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Synchron Woodwinds - Free Legato Update 2024

Not sure if it's just me, but the dynamics in the Clarinet new legato patch are completely different than the original legato patch....and not in a good way either.
Try starting CC1 at 127 and go down to about 80 in the new patch. It's not right. If you do the same on the original legato patch, it's just fine.
Not sure if it's just me, but the dynamics in the Clarinet new legato patch are completely different than the original legato patch....and not in a good way either.
Try starting CC1 at 127 and go down to about 80 in the new patch. It's not right. If you do the same on the original legato patch, it's just fine.
Hmm, I'm playing around with it, so far just noticing that the Lyrical patch maybe doesn't get as brilliant, and it seems like it has a significantly more "rounded" tone, that also generally is less forceful throughout the range, but it doesn't sound weird per se, at least to me. What are you hearing?

The virtuosic patch is more similar but maybe also a tiny bit less brilliant at the highest CC1 values? It's pretty close though.
Not sure if it's just me, but the dynamics in the Clarinet new legato patch are completely different than the original legato patch....and not in a good way either.
Try starting CC1 at 127 and go down to about 80 in the new patch. It's not right. If you do the same on the original legato patch, it's just fine.
Yeah, Clarinet's dynamic crossfade is happenning pretty late around 80ish and it's pretty obvious so sounds little strange..! Flute's new legatos are awesome, Oboe's good too. I wanna know how do new legatos dynamics correlate to the old ones though, cause volume differences are pretty big, Flute and Clarinet new legatos being quieter and Oboe's louder than the old ones..!
Yeah, Clarinet's dynamic crossfade is happenning pretty late around 80ish and it's pretty obvious so sounds little strange..! Flute's new legatos are awesome, Oboe's good too. I wanna know how do new legatos dynamics correlate to the old ones though, cause volume differences are pretty big, Flute and Clarinet new legatos being quieter and Oboe's louder than the old ones..!
Yeah, the flute and oboe are fine.
Even without the cross fading, if you play the clarinet new legato at 80 and the regular legato at 80, the difference is night and day. They got the dynamics wrong somehow. I'm sure it's an easy fix.
The flute and oboe new legatos are wonderful.
It is so great that they continue to develop their flagship orchestra in such way. There will be more of these new articulations for all the instruments in Synchron Woodwings line?
Yeah, Clarinet's dynamic crossfade is happenning pretty late around 80ish and it's pretty obvious so sounds little strange..! Flute's new legatos are awesome, Oboe's good too. I wanna know how do new legatos dynamics correlate to the old ones though, cause volume differences are pretty big, Flute and Clarinet new legatos being quieter and Oboe's louder than the old ones..!
That’s what I felt when I wrote before…
Yeah, the flute and oboe are fine.
Even without the cross fading, if you play the clarinet new legato at 80 and the regular legato at 80, the difference is night and day. They got the dynamics wrong somehow. I'm sure it's an easy fix.
The flute and oboe new legatos are wonderful.
Yeah, and receiving em for free is like a New Year Gift, haha..!)) Anyway, the volume differences can be improved by changing individual articulations volumes and Clarinet issue can get better with some Timber Adjust tinkering..! Also maybe VSL will correct it somehow further down the line) But just out of scientific interest would be cool to know whether those dynamics are "real" from the recordings or just somehow got wrong with scripting.
the dynamics in the Clarinet new legato patch are completely different than the original legato patch
Yes, it has a very different curve, and is not totally easy to balance with the other articulations. I'm wondering if it will be fixed, or there are workarounds to make it match easily.

It does not change any existing content, this update only adds additional articulations.
I did run an update in the Vienna Assistant but when I open my VEPro and DAW I can not see the new articulations in the three instrument's Synchron Player instances. What am I missing?
I did run an update in the Vienna Assistant but when I open my VEPro and DAW I can not see the new articulations in the three instrument's Synchron Player instances. What am I missing?
Make sure to re-load the Instrument preset from the preset browser.
Make sure to re-load the Instrument preset from the preset browser.
is it named lyrical legato? I also cannot find it although i updated 🫣


Never mind. I found it
Was searching somewhere else :D
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Anyone else having trouble with the WW update and got it to work?

Mine keeps downloading over and over and never completes the update.
Anyone else having trouble with the WW update and got it to work?

Mine keeps downloading over and over and never completes the update.
Try restarting the Vienna Assistant. If this doesn't solve the issue please contact [email protected].
(in case you have any torrent software running try closing these as well).

Depending on your internet and physical location the download should take 5-10 minutes.
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