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New York L 1926 and 1991 Launch Sale

They are indeed pretty different. Overall, I actually prefer the 1926 model (so far), which is surprising to me since I generally go for a very modern and clean sound. But there's something about this one that just feels very "right" to me. I can see using it in a pretty wide variety of contexts. I think it might even fit well into some old-school hip hop tracks I'm working on. Funny enough.

EDIT: Realize I didn't actually offer any helpful differentiation! Really, they just have very different sounds to them, surprisingly so. The variables are probably immeasurably numerous and subtle, but generally I hear the '90s model as more "in-your-face" and the '20s model as more "restrained," although both are highly tweakable. I'd recommend grabbing them both, or at least demoing both and keeping whichever you prefer... it'll undoubtedly end up being very personal, as piano libraries tend to inevitably be.
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The price is really low and better to take advantage and take both pianos. I first preferred the Steinway from 1926, because the second one had certain boomines in sound, but after the program update came out, I now prefer that second piano from 1991. Both pianos have the stamp of the Steinway sound but are different. Both tastes are equally pleasing. Please, I would ask the author to add a half pedal and thus make us happy in the long run.:)
I was just going to ask whether these instruments support at least half pedalling - for me as classical pianist absolutely fundamental feature of any VI called "piano". But slobajudge has just answered that: no. Again one VI with sound of piano but not playable as such (at least for me). Pitty...
I just got the bundle. Is there any documentation that comes with this? I didn't see any on the downloads page or in the installer.
These are great instruments to have on hand. I really like playing the 1926 especially on my Roland RD-170.
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Yea, I'd expect it to work fine, library is installed on the internal SSD so I doubt it's a speed issue. It's more playable standalone but completely unusable in cubase 12/13 even in an empty project
Yea, I'd expect it to work fine, library is installed on the internal SSD so I doubt it's a speed issue. It's more playable standalone but completely unusable in cubase 12/13 even in an empty project
Sounds like maybe there's an issue with the VST that isn't present in the AU?
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