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I know piano plugins are sort of a commodity these days, but hear me out.
We just released the New York L bundle, which is 2 pianos of the same make and model (Steinway Model L). One was built in 1926 and has all original parts. The other was built in 1991 with updated parts. To celebrate the launch, the bundle is on sale for $29.

New York L Bundle - Boz Digital Labs
2 Pianos. Same Model. Nearly a century apart. Get the timeless charm of the New York L – 1926 and the pristine craftsmanship of the New York L – 1991 with our new piano plugins. And here’s the best part – to celebrate this new launch, both are currently on sale for this-time-only super...

As it turns out, even though they are the same model, they sound wildly different from each other. The 1926 is hyper resonant, soft and gets really growly when played loud. It has tons of character. The 1991 is a lot more percussive sounding, but has an even tone all around.
These are not concert grands sampled in concert halls. As much as I like that sound, that's not what we were going for here. These pianos sit at 5'10". It's like a big baby grand, and they were recorded in smaller rooms.
Each piano has multiple mic positions (1926 has 4 positions, 1991 has 5). Each has a built in 6 band EQ and Reverb. We tried to keep this thing lean so that it's easy to dial in a variety of piano sounds without having so many options that it's hard to navigate. Ideally you should be able to pull it up and quickly dial it in to your liking, and if you want to get lost in the controls, you can.
We used a combination of samples and modelling to get the footprint small without sacrificing quality. Each piano takes about 8GB of hard drive space, so you can have them both installed without taking up your entire hard drive. I have a lite version coming out soon that takes even less space.
We put a ton of work into this thing trying to make sure it sounds as natural as possible. I wanted these to be able to stand on their own as solo pianos.
Audio Examples
It's hard to talk too much about how it sounds without sounding like every other piano plugin advertisement, so here are some sound samples.