Astronaut FX
Senior Member
Absolutely agreed. EZKeys is best viewed as a composing tool rather than a virtual instrument. The engine itself and the MIDI packs are the real stars of the show. And the ability to use the resulting MIDI with any other virtual instrument kind of makes buying the instrument expansions less of a value add.EZ Keys 1/2 is great if you don’t play keys. Not much value in the sounds, though, neither the stock library nor the expansions. But you will want all the MIDI packs you can afford, as that hugely increases the flexibility of it. So go for the midi for sure.
If you have a bit of a mad scientist streak (like I do), it can be really fun to use EZKeys1/2 to create MIDI parts, and then use the resulting MIDI with a percussion virtual instrument. The resulting randomness can be inspiring, and you can always edit the MIDI.