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True Strike is leaving the store - Farewell Sale

Maybe it's not selling well enough to order a new batch of serials from NI. Maybe they don't want to overload Support by spreading knowledge over so many older releases if they are now doing new ones. Could be many reasons.
Yeah I recall a dev here explaining the Kontakt Player serial buying system and it sounds pretty dumb - basically having to play a ridiculous game of gambling on how many sales will be made.
Based on the response in this thread, you would think that by retiring this product, it automatically gets deleted from everyone’s hard drive, who purchased it. Very weird.
If having a wishlist is weird to you I would like to trade budgets please. Even if one owns it right now, it should be easy to put oneself in someone's shoes that has yet to discover or own such an useful sample set. Pretty easy for me actually because I'm currently reeling from not being able to buy Wallander Wivi haha.
Maybe it's not selling well enough to order a new batch of serials from NI. Maybe they don't want to overload Support by spreading knowledge over so many older releases if they are now doing new ones. Could be many reasons.
With my last comment, I need to say that I am not a recording artist, nor do I have that much knowledge of sample library creation. (I'm just living off of my parents' wifi in their basement so I comfortably complain at bigger corporations and encourage piracy to internet strangers.)

I don't know how NI handles their developers, so I'm going to imagine it's hard and frustrating to the point where retiring a well-known library is the better option (when you say "order new batch of serials", I didn't even know that's how it worked!). I don't believe ProjectSam is saying "we'll just get rid of it lol".

I think my previous input should be more directed towards NI themselves. If anyone can comment on this, maybe their handle on the sampling industry is forcing these sample developers to take these measures? I know there has to be something, with the rise of all these new samplers. If it makes vst's easier and cheaper to manufacture, I'm all for it.

You do you, ProjectSam. If it's troubling for you to keep True Strike around, then retire it. I'll be fine, I promise!:emoji_laughing:
With my last comment, I need to say that I am not a recording artist, nor do I have that much knowledge of sample library creation. (I'm just living off of my parents' wifi in their basement so I comfortably complain at bigger corporations and encourage piracy to internet strangers.)

I don't know how NI handles their developers, so I'm going to imagine it's hard and frustrating to the point where retiring a well-known library is the better option (when you say "order new batch of serials", I didn't even know that's how it worked!). I don't believe ProjectSam is saying "we'll just get rid of it lol".

I think my previous input should be more directed towards NI themselves. If anyone can comment on this, maybe their handle on the sampling industry is forcing these sample developers to take these measures? I know there has to be something, with the rise of all these new samplers. If it makes vst's easier and cheaper to manufacture, I'm all for it.

You do you, ProjectSam. If it's troubling for you to keep True Strike around, then retire it. I'll be fine, I promise!:emoji_laughing:
A little NI licensing insight: https://vi-control.net/community/th...er-cost-developers.112976/page-2#post-4887675
It'd be cool if there was a yearly "Legacy" month where it was normal for all old discontinued products to be available for a short time period. There's a lot of libraries used in a lot of the soundtracks that I enjoy that I'll unfortunately never have. There's also a few libraries that got discontinued in which there is no current actual replacement for it.
It'd be cool if there was a yearly "Legacy" month where it was normal for all old discontinued products to be available for a short time period. There's a lot of libraries used in a lot of the soundtracks that I enjoy that I'll unfortunately never have. There's also a few libraries that got discontinued in which there is no current actual replacement for it.
I would be on the verge of bankruptcy! ☠️ 💸
Confused by the bye-bye price. I picked up the Project Sam Orchestral Brass Classic for $ 54.50 from Best Service last year. Great product and glad I got it, especially at that price and since it's no longer available. If True Strike had a similar price point, I'd have swooped it up, but coming so soon after Christmas, it's just too much cash for something being discontinued (no matter what's coming down the pike).
Yeah I recall a dev here explaining the Kontakt Player serial buying system and it sounds pretty dumb - basically having to play a ridiculous game of gambling on how many sales will be made.

If having a wishlist is weird to you I would like to trade budgets please. Even if one owns it right now, it should be easy to put oneself in someone's shoes that has yet to discover or own such an useful sample set. Pretty easy for me actually because I'm currently reeling from not being able to buy Wallander Wivi haha.
Orchestra Brass Classic and True Strike were on wmy wishlist for over a decade. Now I will have both. Not everyone needs shiny and new. EW still sells their old orchestra library and people still use sounds from it.

As for me Kontatk still rules over the other players. I still prefer to buy libraries where I don't have to deal with Native Asshat. With upgrading storage space I'm always confident when I have to move Kontakt libraries around they will always work. Plus we ignore that the full version of Kontakt is a sampler.
Would it make sense to simply show how many licenses they have left and sell it until there are no more?

Seems like it could drive sales, recoup the NI costs, and be up front about what and why …(?) but maybe there’s a reason not to do it like that.
If it was cost effective, I'd end registration with True Strike and just let it work unregistered using Pulse and do the same to all libraries they move on to replace with a new sampled one.

But maybe the idea today is making all libraries compatible with the Free K7 player, where the users of 6 and 7 Full are still a lot imho. So, Kontakt 7 has a new perfect non registered library organizer, why not taking advantage of that? And then they can keep sales and even boost with a more affordable price and never having discounts on legacy items. The tale of "you don't need to buy Kontakt Full" never worked, most people don't stay and rely with the player only (I think?) well.
Priorities, funds, etc..

Took me about half as long to pick TS and CSS (the series) up, needed to save the cash to extricate myself from ComposerCloud!
That's it. Not everyone has the same VI Control wallet. Funds don't allow me to stumble for shiny and new. Then again there is some hypocrisy in that as well. Plus disk space is not cheap when you have to buy it. I haven't even dented purchases/freebies acquired the last two months.
A shame this is built in Kontakt 6.5.3 considering the issues with Kontakt 6 not purging memory properly. I'm on the last functional version, Kontakt 6.3.2, and refuse to budge. Downgrading was the only solution to stop my Kontakt 6 libs from completing locking up my system, hard restarts etc.

It looks like all of ProjectSAM's 2.0 libs are 6.5.3. Thankfully the two I do own, Swing and Swing More, are Kontakt 6.1.

Anyone have issues with ProjectSAM 2.0 libs and Kontakt 6?
I also had TS on my wishlist for quite a long time, but just never got around to it for one reason or another. I wouldn't object to the price if I knew it was going to continue being supported in the future, but I have a harder time justifying it for what is now an end-of-life product. The price point for OBC was perfect. If TS was closer to that I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
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