Senior Member
The thing that’s interesting is that some people oppose transparency about receipt of financial benefits in money or in kind. Why?
I believe in 100% transparency as far as charitable donations go, but in everyday business, no. We know that there are employees of developers here. We know that there are affiliates and third party sellers here. But I don't see that as a problem. Many of them identify their affiliation through their custom title or logo. Some don't, but they make their affiliations obvious by the content of their posts here and on other forums. Personally, I don't see such posting as deceitful and requiring special notation.
Now and then, however, a member comes along who touts a product in such a way as to raise suspicion, such as bumping or burying posts. A little detective work may indicate they're obviously in cahoots with that developer, or they are in cahoots with a competing developer and trying to stir up some controversy. Do you think this kind of member is going to voluntarily follow an "admit your affiliation" rule?
If any posting activity seems intentionally deceitful to you, report the posts and let the mods deal with them. A great way to weed out deceitful posting activity from honest posting activity is simply to stick around VI-Control for a while and get to know the community.
I want to emphasize I'm not writing your suggestion off. What you're suggesting may be of interest to some members, especially newer ones, and it certainly wouldn't hurt existing members to have an affiliation flag attached to their profile. I just personally feel it would be a frivolous feature added to the site because it wouldn't do anything to delineate the intention behind the posts we read.