Windows 11, yes. Thank you for the help! I appreciate it.Hmm, are you on windows? I’ll have to check the process and see if I can get it to work.
Windows 11, yes. Thank you for the help! I appreciate it.Hmm, are you on windows? I’ll have to check the process and see if I can get it to work.
Beat me to it! Didn't get chance last night to look, going to have a play now and see.Got it to work, at least partly. You need to replace the file called 'UserPreferences.xml' with your file. That changed the background color for me. Somehow all the green elements were just back to their default Steinberg colors. But I think I will manage from here.
This looks lovely! Would you mind sharing the .xml preset file please?Here is my work in progress soft set that I posted on Cubase Forum
Using Pastel Color Set that that I found online
Amazing! Would love to be able to use your color scheme, it is beautiful and much softer on the eyes! You mentioned this was a work in progress, at what stage are you? Would you need help? And do you plan on sharing your final result? (Would absolutely LOVE using this!)Here is my work in progress soft set that I posted on Cubase Forum
Using Pastel Color Set that that I found online
Many years ago user Iro made a template which many liked. He even sold it for a small amount, so I'm not posting his. I'm not even sure if any contacts are valid any longer, but may be out there somewhere. It was well worth the $5 iirc.This looks lovely! Would you mind sharing the .xml preset file please?
Cubase 5 set is so cool, could you please share where can we get it?@MarcusD great job, thank you!
For my personal taste, I really like it when all these colors are consistent.
I did something similar in previous Cubase versions (10, 12) with red, ocean blue or purple.
Channel EQ and inserts colours are mostly identical.
Maybe as inspiration for C13, here are a few older screenshots of the GUIs that I had used.
It took some work to make it that way. But it's really worth looking into it.
light brown+red style:
Cubase 5 style:
dark+purple style:
don´t forget that you can freely adjust these colours in Cubase:
- arrangement background
- channel EQ
- Inserts, sends
- fader meters
- fader caps
- event appearance
- big CR summing meter
and many other things.
Thank you for posting this. It looks much better in Cubase 13 than the default. However I'm getting this message and unsure if this means some of the colors won't open or not set up in the color scheme:But these are free, including a pastel set.
Again, it's personal preference, and I like the softer colors that make it much easier on the eyes day in and day out.
Wow. The first not distracting Cubase interface I have ever seen. At least to my eyes. Looks like you could work for hours in it. Great.
I love it haha can I have thist theme?