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Your Black Friday (November) Purchases 2022

Black Friday Sales purchases:
  • Audio Modelling SWAM Strings and Saxophones - Neither of these were only my list but the Edu discount on top of the 30% convinced me to go for it.
  • Strat style guitar - got this at the beginning of November which I absolutely love playing.
  • Man Makes Noise Puro - for Omnisphere
  • 8Dio Intimate Studio Brass
  • 8Dio Intimate Studio Woodwinds

Spitfire Edu Sale (it was on the last day of October but I am deciding to count it anyway 😂)
  • Abbey Road One: Thematic Trumpets
  • Abbey Road One: Thematic Horns
  • Yair Elazar Glotman - Speculative Memories
  • Originals Cinematic Pads
Tempted by Heavocity Symphonic Destruction as I realised I get a $50 crossgrade from Damage 2 so it would only be $200 which is a more reasonable price than the RRP!
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My first ones were Bioscape and Lunaris - technically I picked them up in October, but Luftrum won't do a sale in November, so I think that counts :)
I think that counts too.

I was very tempted with the Omnisphere patches he has especially Pandorum 1 & 2 but I had already bought quite a lot of Omnisphere patches recently which I was yet to really get into, so I held off and will look to get them in the Luftrum Winter Sale.
Still saving for more things, but I decided to grab Neoverb while it was only €25.
I was initially quite lukewarm over it and wasn't going to spend a huge amount of money for it. But at that price...could consider it a steal!

Still saving to grab HOOPUS (permanently) along with Spaces II and an SSD to run it all on.
Ahhh, nice of you to pick up the metaphorical torch! ^^

My tally for this year:

- Glitchmachines Palindrome
- Pier's Nightmare Zebra 2 Presets
- Tantra 2, monthly PA voucher
- 8Dio Intimate Studio Strings, Brass and Woodwinds
- 8Dio Misfit Whistling
- U-he Zebra 2
- Arturia Pigments 3
- Jun-Ji Camouflage Rock Drums
- Imaginando FRMS
- AAS Chromaphone 3
- Arturia V-Collection 9
- Arturia FX Collection 3

Free crap I may care about
- MReverbMB
- Karanyi Minipol
- Things: Bubbles (Loot)
- Vicious Antelope Arctic for Pigments 3 (Loot)
- MTransient (Audiodeluxe)
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Waiting for Noteperformer 3 to go on sale (not sure if they do those)...That's it. Probably.
If you stick to just that they you will do well and I will envy you your resilience!
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Waiting for Noteperformer 3 to go on sale (not sure if they do those)...That's it. Probably.
Wallander has sales, in december 2020 i bought NP3 (it wasn't much discounted, but still ;) 110 eur, instead of 129, incl vat). I not high priced product anyway (yet very good at what it does), so i would have bought it even without the discount.
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Another casualty - Ugritone has their TrveCab + 15 IR Pack for $49. That was a steal of a deal since they have metal IRs for a wide variety of genres, including more extreme forms of metal.
Wallander has sales, in december 2020 i bought NP3 (it wasn't much discounted, but still ;) 110 eur, instead of 129, incl vat). I not high priced product anyway (yet very good at what it does), so i would have bought it even without the discount.
Good to know, thanks!
Abbey Road Two: Iconic Strings £103.75
Abbey Road One: Mysterious Reeds £20.42
Spitfire Appassionata Strings £82.92
Abbey Road One: Thematic Trumpets £20.42
Originals Intimate Grand Piano £12.09
Hainbach - Landfill Totems £12.09
Abbey Road One: Thematic Horns £20.42

Total £272.11
Tax £54.41
Voucher £10
Grand Total £316.52
Tempted by Heavocity Symphonic Destruction as I realised I get a $50 crossgrade from Damage 2 so it would only be $200 which is a more reasonable price than the RRP!
I did this (was very much on my list, not an impulse buy) with the deal from owning D2. No regrets.
Do it! Do it! Do it!
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