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Glossary of VI-C Abbreviations


Sock Muppet
AAF: Able Artist Foundation (link)
AAX: Avid Audio Extension (plugin format created for Pro Tools)
AB: Adventure Brass (Music Sampling)
AD/AD2: Addictive Drums (XLN Audio)
AI: Audio Imperia
ALB1/ALB2/ALB3/etc: Albion Series (Spitfire)
ALBO: Albion ONE (Spitfire)
AM: Audio Modeling
AMS: Aleatoric Modular Series (Strezov)
APE: Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble (Soundiron)
AR2/ART/AR2IS/ARTIS: Abbey Road Two: Iconic Strings (Spitfire)
AROOF: Abbey Road One Orchestral Foundations (Spitfire)
AROV1 / AROxx : Abbey Road Orchestra Violins 1, etc (Spitfire)
ARST: Abbey Road Spitfire Thingy (Spitfire)
ASC: Ashen Scoring Cello (Wavelet Audio)
ASS: Alternative Solo Strings (Spitfire)
BB: Berlin Brass (Orchestral Tools)
BBB: Back Beat Bass (Art Vista)
BBCSO: BBC Symphonic Orchestra (Spitfire)
BBR: Berlin Brass (Orchestral Tools)
BDP: Botdog Piano (Botdog Samples)
BDT: British Drama Toolkit (Spitfire)
BF: Black Friday
BFA: Big Fish Audio
BFD/BFD2/BFD3: Big F*king (?) Drums (FXpansion)
BHCT: Bernard Hermann Composer Toolkit (Spitfire)
BIIM/B2M: Boyz II Men, rad 90s R&B group
BOB: Berlin Orchestra w/ Berklee (Orchestral Tools)
BOSS: Ben Osterhouse Sospiro Strings
BPC: Berlin Percussion (Orchestral Tools)
BS: Best Service
BS: Bunker Samples
BS or BST: Berlin Strings (Orchestral Tools)
BSS: Berlin Symphonic Strings
BWS: Benjamin Wallfisch Strings (Orchestral Tools)
BWW: Berlin Woodwinds (Orchestral Tools)
CAGE: Custom Aleatoric Group Effects (8dio)
CB: CineBrass (Cinesamples)
CB: also: Cubase (Steinberg), Chillbot, Cowboy
CbB: Cakewalk by Bandlab (formerly: SONAR Pro Audio)
CC: Continuous Controller (MIDI)
CDT: Contemporary Drama Toolkit (Spitfire)
CH: Chris Hein
CP: CinePerc (Cinesamples)
CS: Cinesamples
CS2: Cinematic Strings 2 (Cinematic Strings)
CSB: Cinematic Studio Brass (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSP: Cinematic Studio Piano (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSR: CineStrings Runs (Cinesamples)
CSS: Cinematic Studio Strings (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSSS: Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSCSSCS: Cinematic Studio CineSeries Solo Chamber Strings (??)
CSW: Cinematic Studio Woodwinds (Cinematic Studio Series)
CW: CineWinds (Cinesamples)
CWP: CineWinds Pro (Cinesamples)
DAW: Digital Audio Workstation
DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DoW: Drums Of War (Cinesamples)
DP: Digital Performer (MOTU)
EIS: Equal Interval System
ER: Early Reflections
EULA: End-User License Agreement
EW: EastWest
EWC: Eric Whitacre Choir (Spitfire)
EWI: Electronic Wind Instrument
EWQLSC: EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs
EWQLSO: EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWSO/QLSO/SO)
EWSO: EastWest Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWQLSO/QLSO/SO)
FA: Fluffy Audio
FF: Farkle Friday
FHP: Flying Hand Percussion (Handheld Sound)
FLS: Fruity Loops Studio
FS: For Sale
GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome
GPO: Garritan Personal Orchestra
GUI: Graphical User Interface
HB: Hollywood Brass (EastWest)
HC: Hollywood Choirs (EastWest)
HH: Hollywood Harp (EastWest)
HHC: Hip Hop Creator (Realitone)
HOP: Hollywood Orchestral Percussion (EastWest)
HOPUS/HOOPUS: Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition (EastWest)
HOW: Hollywood Orchestral Winds (EastWest)
HS: Hollywood Strings (EastWest)
HSC: Hollywood Solo Cello (EastWest)
HSV: Hollywood Solo Violin (EastWest)
HT1/HT2/HT3: Hybrid Tools (8dio)
HTTYD: How To Train Your Dragon
HWB: Hollywood Brass (EastWest)
HWC: Hollywood Choirs (EastWest)
HWS: Hollywood Strings (EastWest)
HWW: Hollywood Winds (EastWest)
HZ01/HZ02/HZ03: Hans Zimmer Percussion (Spitfire)
HZP: Hans Zimmer Piano (Spitfire)
HZS: Hans Zimmer Strings (Spitfire)
IB: Infinite Brass (Aaron Venture)
IW: Infinite Woodwinds (Aaron Venture)
ISS: Intimate String Series (Embertone)
ISW: Impact Soundworks
ITB: In The Box / Inside The Box
JBV: Joshua Bell Violin (Embertone)
JEO: Jade Ethnic Orchestra (Strezov)
K10/K11/etc: Komplete 10/11 (Native Instruments)
K10U/K11U/etc: Komplete 10/11 Ultimate (Native Instruments)
KH: Kirk Hunter
KH CS3: Kirk Hunter Concert Strings 3
KO: Kepler Orchestra (Spitfire)
LADD: LA Drama Drums (Audiobro)
LAMP: LA Modern Percussion (Audio Ollie / Performance Samples)
LASS: LA Scoring Strings (Audiobro)
LCO: London Contemporary Orchestra (Spitfire)
LCOT: London Contemporary Orchestra Textures (Spitfire)
LSCS: Light and Sound Chamber Strings
LSSQ: Lyric Series String Quartet (Kirk Hunter)
MA1/MA2/MA3/MA4/MA5: Metropolis Ark (Orchestral Tools)
MAF: slang, MIDI As F**k, usage: "shut your maf"
MAP: Modern Animated Percussion (Sample Logic / Soundiron)
MAS: MOTU Audio System (plugin format created by MOTU)
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIR/MIR Pro: Multi Impulse Response convolution reverb (Vienna)
MLP: My Little Pony, object of Brony affections
MOL: Midi-Over-LAN
MoR: Ministry of Rock (EastWest)
MSB: Modern Scoring Brass (Audiobro) - In boomer: Most Significant Bit
MSS: Modern Scoring Strings (Audiobro)
N: The N Thread
NAMM: Not Available, Maybe March?
NAS: Network-Attached Storage
NI: Native Instruments
NISSBE: Native Instruments Symphony Series Brass Ensemble
NISSBS: Native Instruments Symphony Series Brass Solo
NISSP: Native Instruments Symphony Series Percussion
NISSSE: Native Instruments Symphony Series String Ensemble
NISSWE: Native Instruments Symphony Series Woodwinds Ensemble
NISSWS: Native Instruments Symphony Series Woodwinds Solo
NSS: Nashville Scoring Strings (Audio Ollie)
NVMe: Non-Volatile Memory Express (in English: it's a fast hard drive)
OA: Olafur Arnalds
OACE: Olafur Arnalds Chamber Evolutions (Spitfire)
OE/OE2: Orchestral Essentials (Project SAM)
OMNI: Omnisphere (Spectrasonics)
OS: Operating System
OSR: Orchestral String Runs (Orchestral Tools)
OSWM: Orchestral Swarm (Spitfire)
OT: Orchestral Tools
OTR: Orchestral Template For Reaper
OTS: Orange Tree Samples
PFC: Pathfinder Cello (Osterhouse Sounds)
PiB: Piano in Blue (Cinesamples)
PRO: Performing Rights Organization (BMI, ASCAP, PRS, etc)
PS: Performance Samples
PT: Pro Tools (Digidesign/Avid)
QLSO: Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWSO/EWQLSO)
RAR: Ratty and Raw (or: compressed file format)
RF: Royalty-Free
RTFM: Read The F*king Manual
SA: Spitfire Audio
SAH: Spitfire Audio Hammers
SAPP: Spitfire Appassionata Strings
SAS: Spitfire Appassionata Strings
SAS: Spitfire Awesome Strings (alt)
SASS: Spitfire Alternative Solo Strings
SASSY: Spitfire Appassionata Strings, So Yummy
SATP: SAGA Acoustic Trailer Percussion (Red Room Audio)
SC: Symphonic Choirs (EastWest)
SCRP: Spitfire Scraped Percussion
SCS: Spitfire Chamber Strings
SD/SD2/SD3: Superior Drummer (or: Stormdrum)
SD2/SD3: Stormdrum (EastWest)
SDS: Synchron Duality Strings (Vienna)
SINE Player: Sucky Interface, New Engine (Orchestral Tools)
SF: Spitfire
SFA: Spitfire Audio
SKSS/SKSORD/SORDS: Sonokinetic Sordino Strings
SL: Sample Logic
SM: Sample Modeling
SO: Symphonic Orchestra (see: EWQLSO/EWSO/QLSO)
SOS/SKOS: Sonokinetic Orchestral Strings
SSB: Spitfire Symphonic Brass
SSD: Solid-State Drive
SSO: Spitfire Symphony Orchestra
SSOP: Spitfire Symphony Otchestra Professional
SSP: Synchron Strings Pro (Vienna)
SSS: Spitfire Symphonic Strings
SStB: Spitfire Studio Brass (or: SSTB)
SStS: Spitfire Studio Strings (or: SSTS)
SStW: Spitfire Studio Woodwinds (or: SSTW)
SSW: Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds
SWAM: Synchronous Wavelength Acoustic Modeling (Audio Modeling)
SYM: Symphobia (Project SAM)
TACT: Total Articulation Control Technology (Impact Soundworks)
TARI: Eduardo Tarilonte
TB: Trailer Brass (Music Sampling)
TCTF: The Crow Hill Company
TFW: Commonly: The F*k What? A more sophisticated version of WTF
TFW: also: The Force Wakens, star wars movie
THB: Tom Holkenborg's Brass (Orchestral Tools)
THP: Tom Holkenborg's Percussion (Orchestral Tools)
TO: The Orchestra (Sonuscore)
TS/TS2: True Strike (Project SAM)
TSFH/2SFH: Two Steps From Hell
TSS: Tokyo Scoring Strings (Impact Soundworks)
UI: User Interface
UIST: Albion IV (Spitfire)
VAT: Value-Added Tax
VEP/VEPro: Vienna Ensemble Pro
VGP/VGP2/VGP3: Virtual Grand Piano (Art Vista)
VI: Virtual Instrument
VSCO/VSCO2: Versilian Studios Chamber Orchestra
VSL: Vienna Symphonic Library
VST: Virtual Studio Technology (plugin format created by Steinberg; Jay Asher claims interchangeable with "VI")
WIVI: Wallander Instruments Virtual Instruments ? (discontinued sample modeling product for brass & winds)
WTB: Wanted To Buy
WUP: Waves Update Plan
WUP (if you're from Michigan): Western Upper Peninsula
WWCD: What Would Chillbot Do?
YH: Millennial speak for "yeah"
ZDT: Zero Down Time (iLok service)
Last edited:
AFAIK: As far as I know
ASAP: As soon as possible
BRB: Be right back
BTW: By the way
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
FTW: For the win
FWIW: For what it's worth
FYI: For your information
IDK: I don't know
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMO: In my opinion
IRL: In real life
NSFW: Not safe for work
POV: Point of view
TBA: To be announced
AFAIK: As far as I know
ASAP: As soon as possible
BRB: Be right back
BTW: By the way
FAQ: Frequently asked questions
FTW: For the win
FWIW: For what it's worth
FYI: For your information
IDK: I don't know
IMHO: In my humble opinion
IMO: In my opinion
IRL: In real life
NSFW: Not safe for work
POV: Point of view
TBA: To be announced

Maybe it's just me, but it takes me a second longer to read and quickly decipher these than if they just wrote the words out. How much time does writing FWIW save you really? I mean you'll be using caps for a start, it probably takes the same amount of time to type out.


Urgh, reminds of crappy text message lingo from the early 2000's when characters were limited :rolleyes:
Maybe it's just me, but it takes me a second longer to read and quickly decipher these than if they just wrote the words out. How much time does writing FWIW save you really? I mean you'll be using caps for a start, it probably takes the same amount of time to type out.
I just wanted to help, because people use them here. Don't blame me, English is not even my first language. :)
NISSSE, NISSBE, NISSBS, NISSWE, NISSWS, and NISSP should be added too...

A lot of people tend to not type (or miss) the NI before it and then threads get misinterpreted as Spitfire stuff in context.

Oh...and “Tari” for Eduardo Tarilonte’s libraries... don’t know if that fits here specifically though.
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