Sock Muppet
AAF: Able Artist Foundation (link)
AAX: Avid Audio Extension (plugin format created for Pro Tools)
AB: Adventure Brass (Music Sampling)
AD/AD2: Addictive Drums (XLN Audio)
AI: Audio Imperia
ALB1/ALB2/ALB3/etc: Albion Series (Spitfire)
ALBO: Albion ONE (Spitfire)
AM: Audio Modeling
AMS: Aleatoric Modular Series (Strezov)
APE: Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble (Soundiron)
AR2/ART/AR2IS/ARTIS: Abbey Road Two: Iconic Strings (Spitfire)
AROOF: Abbey Road One Orchestral Foundations (Spitfire)
AROV1 / AROxx : Abbey Road Orchestra Violins 1, etc (Spitfire)
ARST: Abbey Road Spitfire Thingy (Spitfire)
ASC: Ashen Scoring Cello (Wavelet Audio)
ASS: Alternative Solo Strings (Spitfire)
BB: Berlin Brass (Orchestral Tools)
BBB: Back Beat Bass (Art Vista)
BBCSO: BBC Symphonic Orchestra (Spitfire)
BBR: Berlin Brass (Orchestral Tools)
BDP: Botdog Piano (Botdog Samples)
BDT: British Drama Toolkit (Spitfire)
BF: Black Friday
BFA: Big Fish Audio
BFD/BFD2/BFD3: Big F*king (?) Drums (FXpansion)
BHCT: Bernard Hermann Composer Toolkit (Spitfire)
BIIM/B2M: Boyz II Men, rad 90s R&B group
BOB: Berlin Orchestra w/ Berklee (Orchestral Tools)
BOSS: Ben Osterhouse Sospiro Strings
BPC: Berlin Percussion (Orchestral Tools)
BS: Best Service
BS: Bunker Samples
BS or BST: Berlin Strings (Orchestral Tools)
BSS: Berlin Symphonic Strings
BWS: Benjamin Wallfisch Strings (Orchestral Tools)
BWW: Berlin Woodwinds (Orchestral Tools)
CAGE: Custom Aleatoric Group Effects (8dio)
CB: CineBrass (Cinesamples)
CB: also: Cubase (Steinberg), Chillbot, Cowboy
CbB: Cakewalk by Bandlab (formerly: SONAR Pro Audio)
CC: Continuous Controller (MIDI)
CDT: Contemporary Drama Toolkit (Spitfire)
CH: Chris Hein
CP: CinePerc (Cinesamples)
CS: Cinesamples
CS2: Cinematic Strings 2 (Cinematic Strings)
CSB: Cinematic Studio Brass (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSP: Cinematic Studio Piano (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSR: CineStrings Runs (Cinesamples)
CSS: Cinematic Studio Strings (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSSS: Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSCSSCS: Cinematic Studio CineSeries Solo Chamber Strings (??)
CSW: Cinematic Studio Woodwinds (Cinematic Studio Series)
CW: CineWinds (Cinesamples)
CWP: CineWinds Pro (Cinesamples)
DAW: Digital Audio Workstation
DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DoW: Drums Of War (Cinesamples)
DP: Digital Performer (MOTU)
EIS: Equal Interval System
ER: Early Reflections
EULA: End-User License Agreement
EW: EastWest
EWC: Eric Whitacre Choir (Spitfire)
EWI: Electronic Wind Instrument
EWQLSC: EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs
EWQLSO: EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWSO/QLSO/SO)
EWSO: EastWest Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWQLSO/QLSO/SO)
FA: Fluffy Audio
FF: Farkle Friday
FHP: Flying Hand Percussion (Handheld Sound)
FLS: Fruity Loops Studio
FS: For Sale
GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome
GPO: Garritan Personal Orchestra
GUI: Graphical User Interface
HB: Hollywood Brass (EastWest)
HC: Hollywood Choirs (EastWest)
HH: Hollywood Harp (EastWest)
HHC: Hip Hop Creator (Realitone)
HOP: Hollywood Orchestral Percussion (EastWest)
HOPUS/HOOPUS: Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition (EastWest)
HOW: Hollywood Orchestral Winds (EastWest)
HS: Hollywood Strings (EastWest)
HSC: Hollywood Solo Cello (EastWest)
HSV: Hollywood Solo Violin (EastWest)
HT1/HT2/HT3: Hybrid Tools (8dio)
HTTYD: How To Train Your Dragon
HWB: Hollywood Brass (EastWest)
HWC: Hollywood Choirs (EastWest)
HWS: Hollywood Strings (EastWest)
HWW: Hollywood Winds (EastWest)
HZ01/HZ02/HZ03: Hans Zimmer Percussion (Spitfire)
HZP: Hans Zimmer Piano (Spitfire)
HZS: Hans Zimmer Strings (Spitfire)
IB: Infinite Brass (Aaron Venture)
IW: Infinite Woodwinds (Aaron Venture)
ISS: Intimate String Series (Embertone)
ISW: Impact Soundworks
ITB: In The Box / Inside The Box
JBV: Joshua Bell Violin (Embertone)
JEO: Jade Ethnic Orchestra (Strezov)
K10/K11/etc: Komplete 10/11 (Native Instruments)
K10U/K11U/etc: Komplete 10/11 Ultimate (Native Instruments)
KH: Kirk Hunter
KH CS3: Kirk Hunter Concert Strings 3
KO: Kepler Orchestra (Spitfire)
LADD: LA Drama Drums (Audiobro)
LAMP: LA Modern Percussion (Audio Ollie / Performance Samples)
LASS: LA Scoring Strings (Audiobro)
LCO: London Contemporary Orchestra (Spitfire)
LCOT: London Contemporary Orchestra Textures (Spitfire)
LSCS: Light and Sound Chamber Strings
LSSQ: Lyric Series String Quartet (Kirk Hunter)
MA1/MA2/MA3/MA4/MA5: Metropolis Ark (Orchestral Tools)
MAF: slang, MIDI As F**k, usage: "shut your maf"
MAP: Modern Animated Percussion (Sample Logic / Soundiron)
MAS: MOTU Audio System (plugin format created by MOTU)
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIR/MIR Pro: Multi Impulse Response convolution reverb (Vienna)
MLP: My Little Pony, object of Brony affections
MOL: Midi-Over-LAN
MoR: Ministry of Rock (EastWest)
MSB: Modern Scoring Brass (Audiobro) - In boomer: Most Significant Bit
MSS: Modern Scoring Strings (Audiobro)
N: The N Thread
NAMM: Not Available, Maybe March?
NAS: Network-Attached Storage
NI: Native Instruments
NISSBE: Native Instruments Symphony Series Brass Ensemble
NISSBS: Native Instruments Symphony Series Brass Solo
NISSP: Native Instruments Symphony Series Percussion
NISSSE: Native Instruments Symphony Series String Ensemble
NISSWE: Native Instruments Symphony Series Woodwinds Ensemble
NISSWS: Native Instruments Symphony Series Woodwinds Solo
NSS: Nashville Scoring Strings (Audio Ollie)
NVMe: Non-Volatile Memory Express (in English: it's a fast hard drive)
OA: Olafur Arnalds
OACE: Olafur Arnalds Chamber Evolutions (Spitfire)
OE/OE2: Orchestral Essentials (Project SAM)
OMNI: Omnisphere (Spectrasonics)
OS: Operating System
OSR: Orchestral String Runs (Orchestral Tools)
OSWM: Orchestral Swarm (Spitfire)
OT: Orchestral Tools
OTR: Orchestral Template For Reaper
OTS: Orange Tree Samples
PFC: Pathfinder Cello (Osterhouse Sounds)
PiB: Piano in Blue (Cinesamples)
PRO: Performing Rights Organization (BMI, ASCAP, PRS, etc)
PS: Performance Samples
PT: Pro Tools (Digidesign/Avid)
QLSO: Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWSO/EWQLSO)
RAR: Ratty and Raw (or: compressed file format)
RF: Royalty-Free
RTFM: Read The F*king Manual
SA: Spitfire Audio
SAH: Spitfire Audio Hammers
SAPP: Spitfire Appassionata Strings
SAS: Spitfire Appassionata Strings
SAS: Spitfire Awesome Strings (alt)
SASS: Spitfire Alternative Solo Strings
SASSY: Spitfire Appassionata Strings, So Yummy
SATP: SAGA Acoustic Trailer Percussion (Red Room Audio)
SC: Symphonic Choirs (EastWest)
SCRP: Spitfire Scraped Percussion
SCS: Spitfire Chamber Strings
SD/SD2/SD3: Superior Drummer (or: Stormdrum)
SD2/SD3: Stormdrum (EastWest)
SDS: Synchron Duality Strings (Vienna)
SINE Player: Sucky Interface, New Engine (Orchestral Tools)
SF: Spitfire
SFA: Spitfire Audio
SKSS/SKSORD/SORDS: Sonokinetic Sordino Strings
SL: Sample Logic
SM: Sample Modeling
SO: Symphonic Orchestra (see: EWQLSO/EWSO/QLSO)
SOS/SKOS: Sonokinetic Orchestral Strings
SSB: Spitfire Symphonic Brass
SSD: Solid-State Drive
SSO: Spitfire Symphony Orchestra
SSOP: Spitfire Symphony Otchestra Professional
SSP: Synchron Strings Pro (Vienna)
SSS: Spitfire Symphonic Strings
SStB: Spitfire Studio Brass (or: SSTB)
SStS: Spitfire Studio Strings (or: SSTS)
SStW: Spitfire Studio Woodwinds (or: SSTW)
SSW: Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds
SWAM: Synchronous Wavelength Acoustic Modeling (Audio Modeling)
SYM: Symphobia (Project SAM)
TACT: Total Articulation Control Technology (Impact Soundworks)
TARI: Eduardo Tarilonte
TB: Trailer Brass (Music Sampling)
TCTF: The Crow Hill Company
TFW: Commonly: The F*k What? A more sophisticated version of WTF
TFW: also: The Force Wakens, star wars movie
THB: Tom Holkenborg's Brass (Orchestral Tools)
THP: Tom Holkenborg's Percussion (Orchestral Tools)
TO: The Orchestra (Sonuscore)
TS/TS2: True Strike (Project SAM)
TSFH/2SFH: Two Steps From Hell
TSS: Tokyo Scoring Strings (Impact Soundworks)
UI: User Interface
UIST: Albion IV (Spitfire)
VAT: Value-Added Tax
VEP/VEPro: Vienna Ensemble Pro
VGP/VGP2/VGP3: Virtual Grand Piano (Art Vista)
VI: Virtual Instrument
VSCO/VSCO2: Versilian Studios Chamber Orchestra
VSL: Vienna Symphonic Library
VST: Virtual Studio Technology (plugin format created by Steinberg; Jay Asher claims interchangeable with "VI")
WIVI: Wallander Instruments Virtual Instruments ? (discontinued sample modeling product for brass & winds)
WTB: Wanted To Buy
WUP: Waves Update Plan
WUP (if you're from Michigan): Western Upper Peninsula
WWCD: What Would Chillbot Do?
YH: Millennial speak for "yeah"
ZDT: Zero Down Time (iLok service)
AAX: Avid Audio Extension (plugin format created for Pro Tools)
AB: Adventure Brass (Music Sampling)
AD/AD2: Addictive Drums (XLN Audio)
AI: Audio Imperia
ALB1/ALB2/ALB3/etc: Albion Series (Spitfire)
ALBO: Albion ONE (Spitfire)
AM: Audio Modeling
AMS: Aleatoric Modular Series (Strezov)
APE: Apocalypse Percussion Ensemble (Soundiron)
AR2/ART/AR2IS/ARTIS: Abbey Road Two: Iconic Strings (Spitfire)
AROOF: Abbey Road One Orchestral Foundations (Spitfire)
AROV1 / AROxx : Abbey Road Orchestra Violins 1, etc (Spitfire)
ARST: Abbey Road Spitfire Thingy (Spitfire)
ASC: Ashen Scoring Cello (Wavelet Audio)
ASS: Alternative Solo Strings (Spitfire)
BB: Berlin Brass (Orchestral Tools)
BBB: Back Beat Bass (Art Vista)
BBCSO: BBC Symphonic Orchestra (Spitfire)
BBR: Berlin Brass (Orchestral Tools)
BDP: Botdog Piano (Botdog Samples)
BDT: British Drama Toolkit (Spitfire)
BF: Black Friday
BFA: Big Fish Audio
BFD/BFD2/BFD3: Big F*king (?) Drums (FXpansion)
BHCT: Bernard Hermann Composer Toolkit (Spitfire)
BIIM/B2M: Boyz II Men, rad 90s R&B group
BOB: Berlin Orchestra w/ Berklee (Orchestral Tools)
BOSS: Ben Osterhouse Sospiro Strings
BPC: Berlin Percussion (Orchestral Tools)
BS: Best Service
BS: Bunker Samples
BS or BST: Berlin Strings (Orchestral Tools)
BSS: Berlin Symphonic Strings
BWS: Benjamin Wallfisch Strings (Orchestral Tools)
BWW: Berlin Woodwinds (Orchestral Tools)
CAGE: Custom Aleatoric Group Effects (8dio)
CB: CineBrass (Cinesamples)
CB: also: Cubase (Steinberg), Chillbot, Cowboy
CbB: Cakewalk by Bandlab (formerly: SONAR Pro Audio)
CC: Continuous Controller (MIDI)
CDT: Contemporary Drama Toolkit (Spitfire)
CH: Chris Hein
CP: CinePerc (Cinesamples)
CS: Cinesamples
CS2: Cinematic Strings 2 (Cinematic Strings)
CSB: Cinematic Studio Brass (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSP: Cinematic Studio Piano (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSR: CineStrings Runs (Cinesamples)
CSS: Cinematic Studio Strings (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSSS: Cinematic Studio Solo Strings (Cinematic Studio Series)
CSCSSCS: Cinematic Studio CineSeries Solo Chamber Strings (??)
CSW: Cinematic Studio Woodwinds (Cinematic Studio Series)
CW: CineWinds (Cinesamples)
CWP: CineWinds Pro (Cinesamples)
DAW: Digital Audio Workstation
DMCA: Digital Millennium Copyright Act
DoW: Drums Of War (Cinesamples)
DP: Digital Performer (MOTU)
EIS: Equal Interval System
ER: Early Reflections
EULA: End-User License Agreement
EW: EastWest
EWC: Eric Whitacre Choir (Spitfire)
EWI: Electronic Wind Instrument
EWQLSC: EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Choirs
EWQLSO: EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWSO/QLSO/SO)
EWSO: EastWest Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWQLSO/QLSO/SO)
FA: Fluffy Audio
FF: Farkle Friday
FHP: Flying Hand Percussion (Handheld Sound)
FLS: Fruity Loops Studio
FS: For Sale
GAS: Gear Acquisition Syndrome
GPO: Garritan Personal Orchestra
GUI: Graphical User Interface
HB: Hollywood Brass (EastWest)
HC: Hollywood Choirs (EastWest)
HH: Hollywood Harp (EastWest)
HHC: Hip Hop Creator (Realitone)
HOP: Hollywood Orchestral Percussion (EastWest)
HOPUS/HOOPUS: Hollywood Orchestra Opus Edition (EastWest)
HOW: Hollywood Orchestral Winds (EastWest)
HS: Hollywood Strings (EastWest)
HSC: Hollywood Solo Cello (EastWest)
HSV: Hollywood Solo Violin (EastWest)
HT1/HT2/HT3: Hybrid Tools (8dio)
HTTYD: How To Train Your Dragon
HWB: Hollywood Brass (EastWest)
HWC: Hollywood Choirs (EastWest)
HWS: Hollywood Strings (EastWest)
HWW: Hollywood Winds (EastWest)
HZ01/HZ02/HZ03: Hans Zimmer Percussion (Spitfire)
HZP: Hans Zimmer Piano (Spitfire)
HZS: Hans Zimmer Strings (Spitfire)
IB: Infinite Brass (Aaron Venture)
IW: Infinite Woodwinds (Aaron Venture)
ISS: Intimate String Series (Embertone)
ISW: Impact Soundworks
ITB: In The Box / Inside The Box
JBV: Joshua Bell Violin (Embertone)
JEO: Jade Ethnic Orchestra (Strezov)
K10/K11/etc: Komplete 10/11 (Native Instruments)
K10U/K11U/etc: Komplete 10/11 Ultimate (Native Instruments)
KH: Kirk Hunter
KH CS3: Kirk Hunter Concert Strings 3
KO: Kepler Orchestra (Spitfire)
LADD: LA Drama Drums (Audiobro)
LAMP: LA Modern Percussion (Audio Ollie / Performance Samples)
LASS: LA Scoring Strings (Audiobro)
LCO: London Contemporary Orchestra (Spitfire)
LCOT: London Contemporary Orchestra Textures (Spitfire)
LSCS: Light and Sound Chamber Strings
LSSQ: Lyric Series String Quartet (Kirk Hunter)
MA1/MA2/MA3/MA4/MA5: Metropolis Ark (Orchestral Tools)
MAF: slang, MIDI As F**k, usage: "shut your maf"
MAP: Modern Animated Percussion (Sample Logic / Soundiron)
MAS: MOTU Audio System (plugin format created by MOTU)
MIDI: Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIR/MIR Pro: Multi Impulse Response convolution reverb (Vienna)
MLP: My Little Pony, object of Brony affections
MOL: Midi-Over-LAN
MoR: Ministry of Rock (EastWest)
MSB: Modern Scoring Brass (Audiobro) - In boomer: Most Significant Bit
MSS: Modern Scoring Strings (Audiobro)
N: The N Thread
NAMM: Not Available, Maybe March?
NAS: Network-Attached Storage
NI: Native Instruments
NISSBE: Native Instruments Symphony Series Brass Ensemble
NISSBS: Native Instruments Symphony Series Brass Solo
NISSP: Native Instruments Symphony Series Percussion
NISSSE: Native Instruments Symphony Series String Ensemble
NISSWE: Native Instruments Symphony Series Woodwinds Ensemble
NISSWS: Native Instruments Symphony Series Woodwinds Solo
NSS: Nashville Scoring Strings (Audio Ollie)
NVMe: Non-Volatile Memory Express (in English: it's a fast hard drive)
OA: Olafur Arnalds
OACE: Olafur Arnalds Chamber Evolutions (Spitfire)
OE/OE2: Orchestral Essentials (Project SAM)
OMNI: Omnisphere (Spectrasonics)
OS: Operating System
OSR: Orchestral String Runs (Orchestral Tools)
OSWM: Orchestral Swarm (Spitfire)
OT: Orchestral Tools
OTR: Orchestral Template For Reaper
OTS: Orange Tree Samples
PFC: Pathfinder Cello (Osterhouse Sounds)
PiB: Piano in Blue (Cinesamples)
PRO: Performing Rights Organization (BMI, ASCAP, PRS, etc)
PS: Performance Samples
PT: Pro Tools (Digidesign/Avid)
QLSO: Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra (See: EWSO/EWQLSO)
RAR: Ratty and Raw (or: compressed file format)
RF: Royalty-Free
RTFM: Read The F*king Manual
SA: Spitfire Audio
SAH: Spitfire Audio Hammers
SAPP: Spitfire Appassionata Strings
SAS: Spitfire Appassionata Strings
SAS: Spitfire Awesome Strings (alt)
SASS: Spitfire Alternative Solo Strings
SASSY: Spitfire Appassionata Strings, So Yummy
SATP: SAGA Acoustic Trailer Percussion (Red Room Audio)
SC: Symphonic Choirs (EastWest)
SCRP: Spitfire Scraped Percussion
SCS: Spitfire Chamber Strings
SD/SD2/SD3: Superior Drummer (or: Stormdrum)
SD2/SD3: Stormdrum (EastWest)
SDS: Synchron Duality Strings (Vienna)
SINE Player: Sucky Interface, New Engine (Orchestral Tools)
SF: Spitfire
SFA: Spitfire Audio
SKSS/SKSORD/SORDS: Sonokinetic Sordino Strings
SL: Sample Logic
SM: Sample Modeling
SO: Symphonic Orchestra (see: EWQLSO/EWSO/QLSO)
SOS/SKOS: Sonokinetic Orchestral Strings
SSB: Spitfire Symphonic Brass
SSD: Solid-State Drive
SSO: Spitfire Symphony Orchestra
SSOP: Spitfire Symphony Otchestra Professional
SSP: Synchron Strings Pro (Vienna)
SSS: Spitfire Symphonic Strings
SStB: Spitfire Studio Brass (or: SSTB)
SStS: Spitfire Studio Strings (or: SSTS)
SStW: Spitfire Studio Woodwinds (or: SSTW)
SSW: Spitfire Symphonic Woodwinds
SWAM: Synchronous Wavelength Acoustic Modeling (Audio Modeling)
SYM: Symphobia (Project SAM)
TACT: Total Articulation Control Technology (Impact Soundworks)
TARI: Eduardo Tarilonte
TB: Trailer Brass (Music Sampling)
TCTF: The Crow Hill Company
TFW: Commonly: The F*k What? A more sophisticated version of WTF
TFW: also: The Force Wakens, star wars movie
THB: Tom Holkenborg's Brass (Orchestral Tools)
THP: Tom Holkenborg's Percussion (Orchestral Tools)
TO: The Orchestra (Sonuscore)
TS/TS2: True Strike (Project SAM)
TSFH/2SFH: Two Steps From Hell
TSS: Tokyo Scoring Strings (Impact Soundworks)
UI: User Interface
UIST: Albion IV (Spitfire)
VAT: Value-Added Tax
VEP/VEPro: Vienna Ensemble Pro
VGP/VGP2/VGP3: Virtual Grand Piano (Art Vista)
VI: Virtual Instrument
VSCO/VSCO2: Versilian Studios Chamber Orchestra
VSL: Vienna Symphonic Library
VST: Virtual Studio Technology (plugin format created by Steinberg; Jay Asher claims interchangeable with "VI")
WIVI: Wallander Instruments Virtual Instruments ? (discontinued sample modeling product for brass & winds)
WTB: Wanted To Buy
WUP: Waves Update Plan
WUP (if you're from Michigan): Western Upper Peninsula
WWCD: What Would Chillbot Do?
YH: Millennial speak for "yeah"
ZDT: Zero Down Time (iLok service)
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