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Cmusic Production's Saxband Lite Now Free


Music is life
As the title says, the lite version (legato and staccato samples) are available for free.
Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 13.51.38.png
I have downloaded the freebies and everything runs smoothly (see attached screenshot). The legato is a bit synthetic, but the staccato is really good!
Screenshot 2023-08-06 at 13.57.18.png

Strangely enough, the full versions are not for sale anymore (only displays a 404 error message).

Their small saw freebie is also available.

Disclaimer: This is a Russian company, so if you have some aversion towards them, you might want to get your saxes elsewhere. However, seeing as this is a freebie, I do not personally see the harm in downloading them.

Link: https://cmusic.ru/product-category/saxband/
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So, is a Russian sample company… not a government company. We could start to announce here others locations every time when we talk about vst also as Hollywood or London based companies… right away right?
So, is a Russian sample company… not a government company. We could start to announce here others locations every time when we talk about vst also as Hollywood or London based companies… right away right?
I think if we get into a conversation about this the thread would probably end up in the Drama Zone (I am probably not helping by replying to the post).

Let's just say that some people don't like to deal with companies based out of Russian. Less of an issue if it is free, but where payment occurs, part of that is likely to go to that state as taxes.

I don't think it is wrong for Peter to point that out, after all he isn't saying don't download these free instruments due to the website being based out of Russia.
I picked these up a few months ago free. Very nice additions.

I am glad that I got their Sackbut, Euphonium, and Accordion because it seems they do not sell these anymore. - or anything else ... which is sad.
I don’t want to enter any zone really. But the disclaimer was hard to read. As I say we could just announce every location because all the taxes go to every state. Nothing else, noting more.
Seeing as the western world has an embargo on Russian goods, the disclaimer is there for anyone who also feels this should apply for the freebie - feel free to do with it what you want.
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