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Is there a secret to good legato with Spitfire Chamber Strings? It's not great using it, for me.


Senior Member
I've had this library for a long time and never really used it until today. I find the legato patches to be very difficult in that it's very slow from note to note even if I have the legato slider very low, and the timing is often off in a confusing way as far as how the notes are sequenced in my DAW. Especially viola, cello and bass, though violins also at times.

I'm wondering if there's something I'm missing? I don't have this issue with most of my other libraries and their legato patches (aside from some needing to place notes earlier to get proper timing, but the amount I need to do it is mostly consistent in other libraries, which it isn't in Chamber Strings). I'm on the latest version if it, just checked. Just doesn't feel like a well-programmed legato.

(Also, a lot of the bass notes are painfully out of tune. Maybe I just need to find a better chamber orchestra sample set out there...?).
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The legatos just aren’t great, especially when set to slow speeds. It sounds like you might have set the legato speed wrong though. The fastest legato speed it pretty fast.

The library has a lot of quirks - to put it nicely - but the vibe is great. I really wish Spitfire would make a 2.0 version with modern programming, better edited samples, tuning and noise reduction.
The legatos just aren’t great, especially when set to slow speeds. It sounds like you might have set the legato speed wrong though. The fastest legato speed it pretty fast.

The library has a lot of quirks - to put it nicely - but the vibe is great. I really wish Spitfire would make a 2.0 version with modern programming, better edited samples, tuning and noise reduction.
Gotcha, thanks. Yes, the vibe fantastic but performance-wise it's a bit of drag, as well as the other issues you said.
A trick I use when programming Spitfire Chamber Strings is drawing little notches in the modulation CC where there is a legato transition. It helps sometimes but not always.

Also, I almost never use SCS by itself because of the wonky legatos. I usually layer it with - or flip between it and - Appassionata Strings or Cinematic Studio Strings, which have a lot better legatos.
Unfortunately SCS has it’s fair share of quirks, some of which are described in these posts:

Post in thread 'How do I avoid the "pumping" effect in Spitfire Chamber String's legatos?'

Post in thread 'How do I avoid the "pumping" effect in Spitfire Chamber String's legatos?'

Post in thread 'What a time for Chamber String libraries..'
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