Are sample libraries too expensive? As with most goods being sold, the answer is both "yes" and "no". There are simply too many ways to evaluate that question to arrive at one succinct answer:
- Are sample libraries too expensive for me personally?
- Are sample libraries too expensive according to my wife?
- Are sample libraries too expensive for professional composers?
- Are sample libraries too expensive for amateurs and hobbyists?
- Are sample libraries too expensive considering what it costs to produce them?
- Are sample libraries too expensive relative to buying and recording actual instruments?
- Are sample libraries too expensive relative to hiring live musicians?
- Are orchestral sample libraries too expensive?
- Are drum sample libraries too expensive?
- Are finger cymbal sample libraries too expensive?
- Are XYZ developer's sample libraries too expensive?
and so on...
Pricing any good is a delicate balance between covering the cost of production, setting a profit margin, and assessing what the market will bear.
Are Ferraris too expensive? If you evaluate them as functional cars with 4 wheels, 2 seats, and motor, then yes, they're beyond ridiculously expensive. But if you then consider the craftsmanship that goes into designing, testing, and manufacturing them, and the fact that they are intended to be status symbols that exponentially increase your chances of getting laid by smoking hot superficial twenty-somethings, then no, they're not too expensive at all!