What I’m saying is I built a new template last week and had to change much of it to CC4 in the articulation sets because my Sine instruments loaded for the most part as CC4, including all the Berlin woodwinds I just acquired.@jbuhler If I make a new project and I load a Sine instrument it always loads with cc3 now. Older projects might load with cc4 assigned because the were saved with cc4 assigned.
You don’t have to change the maps. You always can adjust the variation controller on the options page.
It sounds like "variations" might be a global setting for Sine, and that once upon a time I reset it back to CC4 to conform to my articulation sets that were all using CC4, and those articulations sets of course have now changed. But I'm sort of wary of changing the global setting in Sine now because I have projects in progress, and am not sure if it will also reset all of those. I suppose I could do an experiment and see if Sine instances loaded in old projects retain these kinds of settings or have them rewritten to the global setting when an old project is reloaded...@jbuhler
The instruments do not contain any setting that defines if the variations are controlled with CC03 or CC04. The Sine player holds this setting. It's this one here:
If you load a new instance of a Sine player, it will always default to CC03. At least for me. I've just loaded a couple of Berlin Woodwind instruments, and the setting stayed on CC03 the whole time.
If you see something different, you should contact Orchestral Tools.
What I'm saying is that I just got the Berlin Woodwinds Bundle and all of those load with variations under CC4 not CC3. I didn't change anything on them when I got them, so there must be a global setting that is resetting variation to CC4 in all my Sine instruments. I've noticed this with keyswitches, too. If I reset where the high or low keyswitches go, it resets the keyswitches globally, not just for that one instance. (I haven't looked at it carefully to see if it resets the keyswitches of old projects when they load.)@jbuhler
When you load Sine, the default settings on the options page get used.
if you change those, you change them for this single instance of Sine. In other words, if you load another project, this other project will load the settings from back then. Because the settings in Sine are saved in the project, they are not global. Kontakt has global settings, Sine hasn't.
Just a heads up for next version, it should be labled as "Pēteris Vasks Strings", or at least "Peteris Vasks Strings"Art Conductor 9.2 Update
Available today. New libraries added:
Orchestral Tools Peter Vasks Strings
I especially like the combination presets. Can simply click three times (once to load each ensemble and gestures, and once for the art conductor), and literally everything is available at once. Amazing.PVS! Now it seems I have to upgrade from v7....
@LynxUK Can you please try to uninstall the soundset and install 9.2 again? Those things are not missing. Also, I can load all 4 sound variations for the Spitfire Harp without issues.Edit: OK, I had to roll back from this version. Noticed that the Ample Sound and Modern Scoring Strings articulations had completely disappeared, one of the Spitfire Harp articulation sets dont load (which I had reported before). Not a big deal (well maybe the MSS is), but have more faith in the previous version.
@JotaArkhamI'm really interested on your product, but I wonder how to manage (in Cubase) negative delays if I load a whole instrument (all articulations) in one Track Instrument, in order to take advantage of the whole Expression Map.