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NotePerformer 4.4 is now available

Looks like I'll need to invest in SSS then. That demo sounded great to me! A good variety of articulations supported on the solo strings too...

long, long (non vib), long (molto vib), legato, legato (non vib), legato (molto vib), legato (portamento), staccato, staccatissimo, pizzicato, snap pizzicato, col legno, harmonics, harmonics (short), sul ponticello, tremolo, trill (major), trill (minor)

@Wallander Is there any chance that the "sul tasto" articulation will be supported by NPPE for Spitfire Symphony Orchestra strings in future? I see that it is available in the VST but not with NPPE currently.
If an articulation isn't supported, it typically has a critical problem that makes it unsuitable for a notation program.

I don't have SSS on this computer, but I can see that sul tasto was deactivated on purpose and excluded from the engine for some reason.
I wonder if there is a way to isolate the Solo/First Desk mic in VSL Elite and Duality Strings. While they can't be used as isolated solo instrument, they can work quite well as principal parts in an orchestral context.

Arne's BBCSO Core playback engine makes those strings sound A-MA-ZING.
Yes! I've always found them a bit too fiddly so didn't use them much, but now with NPPE they're so easy to use so you get the beautiful sound without all the hassle.

My favorite strings so far though in NPPE are Cinematic Studio Strings. It's so effortless to use them now and get great results that it's inspiring. Sometimes with the other strings in NPPE there are volume inconsistencies to still deal with sometimes, particularly legato bumps, but I haven't had to worry about that with CSS at all. This is them in NPPE, just dropping the notes in Dorico then adding legato to it all, not adding any articulations or dynamic swells (except at the very end to fade it out a bit). Buttery smooth. Synchron Strings Pro are also exceptionally smooth, but I prefer the sound of CSS. I'm looking forward to getting Elite and Duality eventually.


  • NPPE Cinematic Studio Strings.mp3
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I'm looking to get into NotePerformer using Dorico. I have SSO so I figured I'd get that playback engine or the one for Berlin Orchestra, since I also have that library due to owning the mains. If I was to buy another library (or set of libraries) just to use with Note Performer and Dorico, which are folks having the most success with? I'm thinking of either BBCSO Core or Hollywood Orchestra, since both are generally available for well under $500. But I'm willing to consider others if folks think others are particularly spectacular.
I'm looking to get into NotePerformer using Dorico. I have SSO so I figured I'd get that playback engine or the one for Berlin Orchestra, since I also have that library due to owning the mains. If I was to buy another library (or set of libraries) just to use with Note Performer and Dorico, which are folks having the most success with? I'm thinking of either BBCSO Core or Hollywood Orchestra, since both are generally available for well under $500. But I'm willing to consider others if folks think others are particularly spectacular.
Don’t think Berlin is super recommended due to SINE’s poor memory management approach. SSO or Synchron are the ones I’m looking at but then Opus and Cinematic Studio engines sound great in some demos too.
Synchron Prime is probably a good bet as it even works in Dorico without NotePerformer.

BBCSO Core would have a good sound, but doesn't really get you into an ecosystem in the same way (Synchron Prime gives an upgrade path to the full libraries with a discount).
I'm looking to get into NotePerformer using Dorico. I have SSO so I figured I'd get that playback engine or the one for Berlin Orchestra, since I also have that library due to owning the mains. If I was to buy another library (or set of libraries) just to use with Note Performer and Dorico, which are folks having the most success with? I'm thinking of either BBCSO Core or Hollywood Orchestra, since both are generally available for well under $500. But I'm willing to consider others if folks think others are particularly spectacular.
I’m really pleased with SSO and HOOPUS NPPE’s so far. This is a partial draft of something I’m working on using SSO and HOOPUS percussion if it helps with your decision…

View attachment Vimy Ridge.mp3
I'm looking to get into NotePerformer using Dorico. I have SSO so I figured I'd get that playback engine or the one for Berlin Orchestra, since I also have that library due to owning the mains. If I was to buy another library (or set of libraries) just to use with Note Performer and Dorico, which are folks having the most success with? I'm thinking of either BBCSO Core or Hollywood Orchestra, since both are generally available for well under $500. But I'm willing to consider others if folks think others are particularly spectacular.
BBCSO Core has been working very well for me in NPPE (strings on par with NPPE CSS, woodwinds and brass had better result than CSW and CSB for my taste). Haven't tried HOOPUS in NPPE yet since I just got it.
which are folks having the most success with?
I can't compare with the other libraries, but the VSL ones are working very well with NPPE. The full Synchron play fabulously well while taking relatively little memory, and even the smaller and cheaper Prime behave very well.

Is anyone getting hiss introduced when exporting Stems of Playback Engines in Dorico 5 and NP 4.4?

I am using BBSO and I think the problem is something to do with track 1 in NP. For instance if I mute this track in Dorico/NP and set Playback engine sounds to their own outputs starting from track 2 onwards the hiss is gone. But even if I export stems from this setup the hiss is present on every track - see attached file.



  • Bassoon stem with Hiss .zip
    8.3 MB · Views: 11
Is anyone getting hiss introduced when exporting Stems of Playback Engines in Dorico 5 and NP 4.4?

I am using BBSO and I think the problem is something to do with track 1 in NP. For instance if I mute this track in Dorico/NP and set Playback engine sounds to their own outputs starting from track 2 onwards the hiss is gone. But even if I export stems from this setup the hiss is present on every track - see attached file.

Update on this issue. I have just created a new sketch in the latest versions of Dorico 5 and NP 4.4 (BBCSO playback) and the exported stems have no hiss. Maybe a backwards compatibility issue?
Update on this issue. I have just created a new sketch in the latest versions of Dorico 5 and NP 4.4 (BBCSO playback) and the exported stems have no hiss. Maybe a backwards compatibility issue?
Do you export through Dorico's or NPPE's stem export?

If you use Dorico, you should turn off hall noise in NPPE settings.
Do you export through Dorico's or NPPE's stem export?

If you use Dorico, you should turn off hall noise in NPPE settings.
NPPE stem export has never worked for me. I just get the message: "Please export to disk(audio) in your notation program..." with flashing red 'Exporting' text. I end up having to press Cancel export.

Turning off hall noise has worked though. Thanks
NPPE stem export has never worked for me. I just get the message: "Please export to disk(audio) in your notation program..." with flashing red 'Exporting' text. I end up having to press Cancel export.

Turning off hall noise has worked though. Thanks
That's strange. What happens if you go to the flashing text and playback the score (or a few bars)? The next play through is supposed to be bounced as stems.
I'm looking to get into NotePerformer using Dorico. I have SSO so I figured I'd get that playback engine or the one for Berlin Orchestra, since I also have that library due to owning the mains. If I was to buy another library (or set of libraries) just to use with Note Performer and Dorico, which are folks having the most success with? I'm thinking of either BBCSO Core or Hollywood Orchestra, since both are generally available for well under $500. But I'm willing to consider others if folks think others are particularly spectacular.
I would just start out with SSO. In general, I find that BBCSO works best, but SSO is pretty compelling at times. BO takes about 110GB to load the whole thing, and though I like it in some passages, BBCSO is often better.
Can you clue us in on the reverb and plugins you are using (if any)? I really like this sound. Seriously nice writing!
Hi Jett, glad you enjoyed this. My mixing skills are extremely rudimentary but it's something I plan on learning more about this year. Here are my settings...


Then in the NotePerformer plugin in Dorico I set it to 70% reverb for this piece...


I then just do a straight Dorico export to .wav file, open in Audacity and do Effect > Amplify... and bump it up to just below the max. Save to .mp3 and that's it. No other effects or reverb.

Honestly, the sound you're hearing is what sold me on SSO - the amazing sound of AIR Studios Lyndhurst Hall.
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