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Leap Into The Void releases Iterata X sounds for UVI Falcon

Minimally aware of Chase Bliss quality pedals, and MOOD MKII seems positively different from the few, motion pedals now used < Chorus, Phaser, Flanger, Tremolo, Vibrato, Reverb.
LUV the Hydrasynth brief demo segment !! Original MOOD may overlap Delay-Verb too much.

Mixed results, so far, with Overdrive pedals on synths. Will try another tomorrow.

Appreciate your personalized perspectives re. Omni 2 and Falcon. All relevant, yet adding Falcon would be focused on 'core' synth capabilities in a pure learning sense. Interata X is the desired 'fun' side .... to be enjoyed routinely during recess(s). 🎭
Really? So, what? You have good taste now?

Maybe it is a bit of a broken clock situation... Like my mother's predictions of the weather - she's got to get it right eventually!
I’m glad to hear our Queen Bee is the arbiter of good taste now,lol
(I will leave this one alone)

Thank me later…………….,
Minimally aware of Chase Bliss quality pedals, and MOOD MKII seems positively different from the few, motion pedals now used < Chorus, Phaser, Flanger, Tremolo, Vibrato, Reverb. LUV the Hydrasynth brief demo segment !! Original MOOD may overlap Delay-Verb too much.
Mixed results with Overdrive on synths. Will try another tomorrow.

Appreciate your personalized perspectives re. Omni 2 and Falcon. All relevant, yet adding Falcon would be focused on 'core' synth capabilities in a pure learning sense. Interata X is the desired 'fun' side .... to be enjoyed routinely during recess(s). 🎭
Overdrive is a problem in pedals generally, I find. With a synth, something that adds a more gentle saturation might be preferable. And maybe go into an overdrive pedal after that.

I don't know about Deep Mind, but Hydra as a digital synth will have limited capacity for adding its own saturation naturally. But a preamp pedal on a slightly overdriven 'clean' channel might work.

For Falcon, I find that adding a saturation plugin - typically a preamp - can add extra dimensions to its range of sounds. It has some very nice distortion algorithms, including internal oversampling on the effects module. But they retain the general character of the synth. So an extra plugin can offer more variety in this area.
I’m glad to hear our Queen Bee is the arbiter of good taste now,lol
(I will leave this one alone)

Thank me later…………….,
I poked the bear, and the bear has shown mercy. It's very certainly more than I deserve.
I usually avoid any kind of subscription but in the case of LIV this is too good of a deal from an extremely talented developer.
I have actually been buying presets predominantly for Omnisphere from Mikael for several years…………..
So all it took was a small leap of faith that this will be a wonderful series for Falcon.

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My Cost ~~ $400. unless UVI makes a terrfic decision and offers Falcon at major promo price !! 🙏🏻

Nice Intro from quality provider ! Actually considering Iterata X purchase, and see how things sort out in months ahead. 🤷🏻
Speaking of it, found a letter from UVI in the inbox. Just what the doctor ordered. 🥳
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