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I've loaded the script (i'm using FL Studio) but the script doesnt seem to do anything? Did i miss out anything or it doesnt work with FL studio ?
I've loaded the script (i'm using FL Studio) but the script doesnt seem to do anything? Did i miss out anything or it doesnt work with FL studio ?
I have a question as well, if anyone can answer this: Using Cubase 9.5, everything went very smoothly...except for articulation switching.
Due to my track being now delayed negatively for that 300ms, the Kontakt script won't obviously move my articulation switches when using them through the expression map I have made. I also tried with plain midi CC information, but naturally it failed as well. Using keyswitched articulations would move them according to the script, but the script isn't supporting them.
This makes the wonderful script pretty much unusable for me, as I often tend to switch articulations quite rapidly depending on the passage. Am I missing something obvious here or how do people work around with this problem?
- This requires offsetting the MIDI track by the Slow Legato speed, which is 300ms by default
Yes, that is obviously true. But as you say in the instructions,
...I am unclear why I'd not struggle with this problem.Or am I just being stupid now?`
If I offset the track delay using this script, all the notes are now perfectly aligned but the expression maps and all subsequent midi CC data is naturally now 300 ms ahead. Do I need then to align my articulation switching 300 ms before the actual place by hand each time, or is there another solution which I just don't understand for some reason?
- Have you got CC13 up above 64 (the delay CC)?
- Are you switching articulations with CC58 (default keyswitch CC)?
It happens when I assign any articulations into the recorded part with the expression maps, using midi CC58. I can hear (and also see from the Kontakt instance in question) that the articulation changes before it is marked to change.
Pardon my noobness. I have to set CC13 above 64 or less than that? I'm switching articulations using keyswitch CC
Thanks and please don't hesitate to ask.
The Delay CC (by default CC13) should be above 64 to engage the script's delay. If you are sending CC (13 and 58) to Kontakt, then the script should also be picking up those changes as well.
The best way to test whether things are working is to set CC13 to 0, set CC58 to Spicatto (11 I believe), then play some chords. The response should be immediate (the delay is bypassed). Then turn CC13 up to full and play again. The response should feel like a quarter note delay.
Also check that the MIDI channel that you are sending the CC to is set correctly in the script. The default is 1, but if your CSS instrument is on a different channel, then the script will ignore the MIDI. This is so the script only affects one channel at a time (and doesn't mess with other playback).
Thanks for sharing this, but I'm finding it a little... temperamental. I had it up and running perfectly in a Pro Tools session this morning, but it seems to have bugged for me along the way. Now it only seems to offset by the fast speed when playing anything legato, regardless of the note velocities. The shorts all seem to work fine though.
I'm thinking that this is mostly likely some pilot error on my end, because for one glorious fleeting moment it worked beautifully. Any ideas?
+1I have a question: what happens with the first note in a legato line? The delay of those notes are not delayed so much as the transitions
That's literally the opposite of what 1.5 should be doing now. Are you using just keyswitches or just CC58? Also please look at the script while legato and staccato passages are playing. What does the script say it is doing?
Tempermental is certainly a word I would use for this whole script; it is more often the script thinking you are doing something else, rather than user error.
I have a question: what happens with the first note in a legato line? The delay of those notes are not delayed so much as the transitions, but i guess i have to either:
- move them so they are on the grid OR
- use CC13 to disable the script for the first note, then re-enable it before the next note (now a legato transition) starts
or do i miss something here?
(did not try the script yet, but will soon)
Edit: Just got a script warning in Kontakt that reads "SCRIPT WARNING (Line 1065, Script 0): wront time parameter in wait statement!."