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Buyer's Basic Guide to Orchestral Sample Libraries

Excellent thread - thanks for this - wish I had read it 2 years ago, when I started doing "music". In those 2 years, Play engine definitely improved and any bugs with HW series were rare in my case (Cubase, Logic Pro, Win/Mac). I'm looking for other string libraries for blending, can't decide btw Cinesamples and Spitfire basically
Depends on what you're looking for, and what type of music you want to make! IMO Cinesamples' libraries are typically drier (so more versatile, but not as lush) and a little more aggressive than Spitfire's.
I listened to both of them quite a lot and read a couple of reviews - I like them both, to be honest, each in its own regard.

Parsifal, which library would you recommend to start with? Mural is just strings and Albion is for "broad strokes" as was also mentioned here. Would be probably more interested in just strings, though.
I listened to both of them quite a lot and read a couple of reviews - I like them both, to be honest, each in its own regard.

Parsifal, which library would you recommend to start with? Mural is just strings and Albion is for "broad strokes" as was also mentioned here. Would be probably more interested in just strings, though.

If you want aggression (in a semi-broad strokey kind of way), look no further than Albion III. Full stop. Just check the demos; if you want more aggression than that, buy a good distortion like Fabfilter Saturn or Ohmicide (the latter is cheaper and sounds just as good, just less tweakable). Or just jump on the East West Composer Cloud and scoop up The Dark Side.

Cinesamples is really good...I wouldn't trade Hollywood Strings or Albion for it though. Especially the East West, which despite its problems is probably the best sounding, best made in history. Really.

So...if you want things super-easy, grab one or more of the Albions (though Cinesamples is perfectly good); if you want amazing sound which brings a test of patience with it, the elite to my ears is Hollywood Strings by a landslide. At least for ensembles.

For solo I'd go first with Gypsy for violin (terrific legato). But to be completely forthright, I really don't know much about the solo cellos outside of GPO, which is (in a certain context) great but both not particularly tweakable and not a whole ton of articulations there. Plus I don't think the Gofriller is available anymore in GPO, a bizarre and unfortunate thing imo.

In general, I think other folks here will be a way better help in regard to the solo strings, I have what I love and took hours upon hours of tweaking to make perfect for me (the QL solo violin) but I absolutely would not recommend that as a first or even third choice...too much work and frustration.
Real world system requiments are thign what i want this kind list. some brands dont tell them. We all dont have computer where we can simply buy any library what we like. I allready know my budget computer should work with Cinematic Strings 2 becouse even u-he diva is heavier says one user when i talked sometime ago it. And even Diva works some level there. Simply using only VSL special editions sounds bit not very colorful. Their strings,and brass lacks something what some ideas needs.
Real world is things what users found not what manuacturer tells to users which sometimes dont even tell what is needed expect hard drive space.
ps. changing to pc (form mac) is pricey when i must get new daw and i simply dislike windows. but i know budget what i can use computer i of course i can get much more powerful pc with same money.
Real world is things what users found not what manuacturer tells to users which sometimes dont even tell what is needed expect hard drive space.
ps. changing to pc (form mac) is pricey when i must get new daw and i simply dislike windows. but i know budget what i can use computer i of course i can get much more powerful pc with same money.

I would definitely recommend getting a good computer, I only know Windows PC, so for that I suggest minimum 16 gb RAM and I can't push an extra SSD card enough. Get that stuff, then your options explode. You can always just got Composer Cloud for under thirty US dollars a month, and that has some pretty elite stuff. Especially if the Play engine isn't a problem for you. Even if you just had Hollywood Strings, your ensemble needs would be more than met in my humble opinion. I only bought Albion because I wanted to try something different, once I heard how great it sounded with the abovementioned HS I bought them all...and have been very satisfied since. But that's just me, as you intimated, not everybody makes a living (or at least pays the rent, in my case) with music.
Saddly such computer in Finland even i add new DAW is pricey. and i like some Logic synths even i need then replace ES2 maybe even Alchemy what they recently added. Even bigger problem is i want hardware synths many reasons are hard describe but i dream playing in live and i dont talk cinematic or game music and even these things i can use analog synths. And big SSD is still pricey minium which sounds suitable sample library use is 512gigabytes or maybe few smallers.
it seems SSD prices are dorped at least some models. Sounds good i maybe must think i not fully sure what direction my music making going go.
Cinesamples is really good...I wouldn't trade Hollywood Strings or Albion for it though. Especially the East West, which despite its problems is probably the best sounding, best made in history. Really.

I have almost every EW library, using mainly HW series though, with Stormdrums, Gypsy, Silk, occasionally Ra, Ghostwriter, but I really like the sound of Hollywood strings - it is just amazing to me, top notch despite made in 2011.

Albion series might be more interesting for me cause they add something new (ensembles, experimentation) - i already have strings, brass, woodwinds, etc - if you catch my drift, follow me, ehm, whatever :)
I have almost every EW library, using mainly HW series though, with Stormdrums, Gypsy, Silk, occasionally Ra, Ghostwriter, but I really like the sound of Hollywood strings - it is just amazing to me, top notch despite made in 2011.

Albion series might be more interesting for me cause they add something new (ensembles, experimentation) - i already have strings, brass, woodwinds, etc - if you catch my drift, follow me, ehm, whatever :)

Sounds to me like you're already doing pretty darn good. You won't hear anything from me but praise and reccomendation concerning the Albions, and I've been a huge enthusiast of EW HS for quite awhile. Spitfire puts out high quality libraries, full stop.

Another option to at least check out are the Zero-G string collections. They have extremely cool stuff like Animato, which goes on the wilder side of both strings and flutes. They have a lot of other great stuff as well, and I believe they're 50% off now (it might be a day too late for the sale, but if you contact them by email they'll probably give you a break).
Excellent resource, thanks for making the thread.

I'd just like to say that you only mentioned the Vienna Special Editions which are a cut down version of their full instruments. The full sections and solo instruments have an enormous range of extra articulations and layers compared to the special editions.
For example, I have the extended Woodwinds which can cover everything I need (for now). I'm not mad about having to keep the licences on a dongle though, so for most other stuff I use Kontakt based libs.
Whn i lookwhat flexible set modern sample libraries with modern computer is way too pricey for hobby use for me. Even more when i want do all kind music.(something totally synthetic even). Sorry offtopic even 1500euros sample libraries means i think to me at least putting in three years whole my music budget for samples. Is hard undertand how some hobby musicans can have 3000-4000euros sample sets. Even pros i think is not so easy use such amount money...
I'm with you JPQ, since I'm also doing this as a hobby. I would love to have that kind of budget for samples. But hey, that's life.
Whn i lookwhat flexible set modern sample libraries with modern computer is way too pricey for hobby use for me. Even more when i want do all kind music.(something totally synthetic even). Sorry offtopic even 1500euros sample libraries means i think to me at least putting in three years whole my music budget for samples. Is hard undertand how some hobby musicans can have 3000-4000euros sample sets. Even pros i think is not so easy use such amount money...

It's a very expensive hobby, that's true. But then again, one doesn't need to have all these magnificent toys that hardcore enthusiasts and professionals hoard on their drives just to be able to make music. Lots of great music can be done owning nothing more than VSL Special Edition I. Or Albion ONE. Or Omnisphere 2. Personally, I even think that when someone is just starting out with this stuff, they'd do themselves a favor by limiting themselves to a rather slim collection of samples and plug-ins.
It's a very expensive hobby, that's true. But then again, one doesn't need to have all these magnificent toys that hardcore enthusiasts and professionals hoard on their drives just to be able to make music. Lots of great music can be done owning nothing more than VSL Special Edition I. Or Albion ONE. Or Omnisphere 2. Personally, I even think that when someone is just starting out with this stuff, they'd do themselves a favor by limiting themselves to a rather slim collection of samples and plug-ins.

VSL special edition i miss something in brass and strings maybe Miroslav Philharmonik 2 has what i search based audiodemos and old version as well. sometimes i undertanded Albion is too heavy to my computer hard belive when i know how well VSL works and Project Sam True Strike 1. and i dont care much massive things i think i can write good tune using only 5-8 tracks when sounds are good my some tests with VSL shows it but some its sounds lacks something what i say warmth becouse i dont have better word. only serious problem in Albions is pre recorded instrument combinations and their hall is lovely but hard mix with other stuff. later one is worst problem first also if i want put song to notes to play with real orchestra but thing is very likely never happen. My current poor computer is 8gigabytes i5 2.5ghz mac mini 2014. i must buy becouse my old one gets USB problems.
Whn i lookwhat flexible set modern sample libraries with modern computer is way too pricey for hobby use for me. Even more when i want do all kind music.(something totally synthetic even). Sorry offtopic even 1500euros sample libraries means i think to me at least putting in three years whole my music budget for samples. Is hard undertand how some hobby musicans can have 3000-4000euros sample sets. Even pros i think is not so easy use such amount money...
For some of us, money is not a block. I have an IT job that pays really well, and so I have more discretionary funds. Everyone is in a different place. I would assume pros can buy what they want if they are successful. That is the minority.
Great work Zhao Shen!
A very useful database for reminding all orchestral libraries.

Perhaps you should add also Cinesamples HollyWoodWinds (HWW)...
I know that, because users asked for it, they would like to make an updated version with Sony Hall sound...
probably resaving all samples after passing them in a Sony Hall convolution impulse.
But I don't know if they are really working on it now.
Of all the things I've bought, I'd say Miroslav Philharmonic gives the most flexible "mid-range" full VST orchestra for the money. Many of the solo instruments are excellent. I have not tried the new Miroslav 2, so my experience is with the MP included in SampleTank and the standalone legacy MP1.

EWQL HO is definitely at a different level, but have been able to mix the solo instruments from Miroslav nicely with HO. Maybe if I get the solo instruments from EWQL, I'll change my view, but for now I'm happy with the solo string instruments from Miroslav.
FWIW, I recently upgraded to Play 4.3.0 and it solved many debilitating issues I was having with the Hollywood Orchestra.

Using Logic Pro X on an iMac 27-inch quad-core i7 with 32 GB RAM streaming from SSD I had loading times of upwards of 10 mins.

Now, my patches load in seconds and I have yet to experience any major glitches or hanging notes etc. with HS or HB.

I would encourage anyone with issues with Play currently to upgrade to 4.3.0
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