The more the merrier!Hoping for the first The score expansion pack !!!
The more the merrier!Hoping for the first The score expansion pack !!!
The day after Super Bowl Sunday. A slow startIt's already 4 pm here in Europe.
I guess they are waiting for US to wake up!
Just a bit..I can't help feeling they may have oversold this teaser a tad.
So they needed 3 announcement emails over 2 weeks to announce a bundle of 2 products that have already been announced and released and probably had multiple announcements of their own announcements
wow the game isn't just changed, it's ended we're in peak overhype mode
Just my thoughts..Looks that way! My wallet is happy about expectations freefall. So that's the good news
No man, just like politics, religion, influencers and Kardashians the problem is always the followers. That's why the only replies for such threads like this the stupid crap I wrote, which makes it worse when someone takes it seriously.Is anyone else getting tired of Sonuscore's melodramatic, over-the-top marketing as of late? All of their recent products have all been (supposedly) going to "revolutionize" and "redefine" the way we compose music. It is all marketing and no substance, it feels.