I don't know about the polyphonic Arc, but what you describe is pretty much how our dynamics work.Great memory FredI think you covered everything... there are also pages for runs and phrases .
I'm curious to know more about the dynamic articulations, if it's going to be like 8dio polyphonic arcs, where we can play a melody or chord progression and it will follow the cresc-dim arc naturally without re-triggering a new crescendo? My question to @Sonokinetic BV got buried by other messages.
It goes through all the velocity layers in different ways, and in the case of the Sfz articulation it also adds something at the start for realism. The dynamics are synced to tempo this way without having to use TMpro, which helps with efficiency.
We are looking into adding options in case you do want the dynamic to happen for each note individually, but at the moment notes you add in will join the movement.
The way it works now is that the modwheel position at the start of your triggering note will be the ceiling of the dynamic movement, and moving the mod wheel at any point will not affect anything until you catch the current point of the movement, to avoid sudden jumps.