Holy Moly these Thorston videos sound, well... not that good!
No release functionality. I'm out.
You could drench them in echo I suppose but without some sort of tail or "trail out" after taking your fingers off the keyboard at any point in the phrase, it seems like it would be too hard to make them sound good without the abrupt dropouts. I'm assuming a solution for that won't be in the final release on Thursday.
It looks like a library you might really have to tweak to get to sound good. A release button would be nice. It could just be his playing in these videos with Thorston not having enough time to figure how to use the library but then if it takes a lot of effort, I wouldn't be interested. Also nearly half the length of the videos is just visuals of showing off titles when I want to SEE what's happening on the keys!! Better to promote the library not the program the videos were created in or flashy girls.
Is it just my ears or do some of the phrases in these videos sound like they have sort of a reverse effect?
Also if you go back and look at the actual 8Dio Facebook walkthrough it looks to me like Troels might be playing poly & chords just a bit "ahead" of the words in the phrases to get the full phrase just right. Is that right? In other words the chord or key changes seem to be played a bit early or ahead (or in the middle of a phrase while it’s not finished) of when the next word starts. That could require some skill and effort if so.
I could be wrong but maybe someone who has some experience with this can let us know.
Sorry for the brutal honesty but this is the worse demonstration of a product I've seen if indeed you're trying to promote the benefits.
Please don't take this the wrong way Thorston because I know you mean well. Truly, I sincerely appreciate the videos, enthusiasm, and time & effort. I think some of us were hoping for more of an explanation or feedback about the pros & cons of the library. What might seem to work, what doesn't work, etc... "hello Daniel James! do you own this yet with a walkthrough for us?" lol!

It was however good to see another perspective on the library other than 8Dio's perfect walkthroughs so we know just what some of the challenges could be when we load this thing up.
Still, it's way too early to tell. For me anyway.
I know there's an additional 10% offer right now on top of the intro offer but 8Dio would surely benefit to give potential eyeballers a little more time to figure this out before having to pull the plug by Wednesday's intro price deadline, being still in beta & all. If anyone else has some experience with this please jump in. Or 8Dio too.
I truly want this "sound" in my arsenal, but without the headaches, challenges, or a big learning curve on functionality.