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NotePerformer 4 Expectations or Wishes

Ok, I will. hope it will be convenient to attach files.
Unfortunately, we don't have a file attachment in the contact form. You can link to Dropbox or similar, or reply to a download email and attach the file. We listen to our outgoing email addresses.

Whenever possible, we prefer if the contact form is used to ensure we're informed about your hardware, notation program, and OS version.
Ok, I will. hope it will be convenient to attach files.

Thanks for the clarification. This is how I thought NopePerformer would behave and that's why I had suspected Dorico to be at the origin of the problem.
I second checked this and indeed, it's a Dorico bug : as soon as the tempo is varying, even slightly, the single dashed tremolo is not respected anymore, I get 4 note hits instead of 2 as heard and as confirmed by MidiMonitor.
Sorry for having unduly blamed NotePerformer ! (which I like so much, just want it to be even better ! and the same for Dorico)
I had also noticed that playback of trems during tempo changes is very odd and not musical. Nice to know this is a Dorico limitation, although it's a bit unfortunate since there's a LOT of instances where an accel. or rit. coincides with a roll or trem. :(
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