ed buller
Senior Member
oh so untrue!....Lord where to start. I am biased as I got to know Chris Franke and am still friends with one of their engineers that helped make their best record. Hardly random. They where trailblazers from the bottom up. Serious musicians too! The helped design a lot of syntherziser components that we use continually now,True, although I think I would probably argue that Tangerine Dream had very little actual musical ability or imagination. I strongly suspect that they were random button tweakers, who hit on some exciting aleatoric sounds that captured the moment.
But an example;
@10;26 a large tam tam fades in. This is replaced by a replication of the sound on a large Moog system. This is 74. This sound is basically 10 oscillators tuned so they don't beat, then filtered through this:

Chris Franke's old Moog 914 ( now owned by HZ) It's not stock as it has separate outputs for each band. As you can hear Chris slowly manipulates the sound to "dry it out" like a river bed. as it get's thinner and thinner Peter Baumann's VCS plays this haunting whistle "like a dog in a desert" over the top.
To my 13 year old ears this was the most extraordinary music I had ever heard.
This is Live at Croydon Fairfield Halls in 75. Hans was there! Now I a m lucky enough to have the multitrack and this section IS live. It's three mono tracks, each from a mixer on stage. The Bulk of what you are hearing is Chris Franke. There are 2 moog 960 step sequencers playing and Edgar is trying to play 8th notes through a delay on top to synch with em...all live!
If you really want to find out how good and innovative they where listen to
alpha centuri 71
Zeit 72
Atem 73
phaedra 74
rubycon 75
ricochet 75
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