I scored a couple Playboy videos back in the 90's. I'm not sure if that qualifies as "porn," since they were just collections of 5-minute scenes of women stripping, but amusingly, back when I made one of our "Women Only" threads (either the Gearslutz or Hollywood Reporter one), one guy was pissed that I wouldn't let him post, so he messaged all the female thread participants to tell them I'm actually a misogynist, since I scored those "porn" videos. (You make some enemies when you run a forum.

Not that the videos are my proudest moment, mind you, but on one, the director was a woman, so I'm not sure about the whole "misogynist" thing. And yes, having a woman sitting next to you for soft-porn spotting sessions is as weird as you think it would be.
Anyway, with Playboy wanting to be classy, I didn't use any waka-waka guitar. In fact, for one, we went in a "song" direction, with actual singers. (Who loved doing this, by the way, since they got a kick out of saying they sang on a Playboy video.) I didn't want to take responsibility for the lyrics (that would be a minefield!), so the director wrote those. Then I wrote the melodies on the fly while the singers were here.
I recently cleaned out the studio, and I'm not sure if I saved those, but now I'm curious what those songs actually sounded like, so I hope I did. I did find someone put the intro on YouTube, though. The breathy spoken voice is the director, not one of my singers: