Active Member
I think so. Very much a work in progress, but this is what I'm doing with Saros...I feel a bit lost... Solaria impressed me so much that I also bought the bundle with Solaria. But it's difficult with male voices. I like Asterian a lot but it's very special. I don't know Kevin... Is Saros possibly the male voice of the same quality as Solaria?
View attachment dance96k.mp3
Saros also has a soft side - they can do everything that Hayden can do, and much more. I've been noodling around with that softer side... hopefully something to show for that soon (it's not in my demo above).
Kevin has improved over time, but is still very square sounding, and it makes it hard to work with. I think Saros is the most flexible tenor(ish) male/gender neutral English speaking bank available. They are a modern singer though - probably not great for classical.