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For Those of Us Considering Jumping from Kontakt to HISE

I cannot really say specifically when Native UI will be public, but a lot of work is being done to stabilize the language for a 1.0 release... But yes, what you want would definitely be possible. With the caveat that you wouldn't be doing this calculation on KSP side, you would be doing it on NUI side then send the data to KSP in order to execute whatever.
Hey, great, then you're on top of it already!

If the website:
  • Lists all the major features of HISE that give it parity with Kontakt as well as those that make it superior
  • Offers a download button for the latest .exe, which is really just a step less than getting it from GitHub, but still a major point for a lot of people, unfortunately
  • Links to a couple of videos, one of them being this one and the other being the big course I linked to in my previous post (which you'll know better than me whether it's a good overall jumpstarter for HISE)
  • Has clear licencing information and clears up what releasing under GPLv3 means, with the ability to purchase a commercial license immediately, like JUCE on their website,
then the whole VI landscape changes overnight. The fact that this can all be done in an afternoon is what makes it all rather silly, given how competent the development seems to be, especially for a one-man show (with the help of the other contributors, of course).

You already said it's almost ready to go so you've got it, I'm just leaving my thoughts here in case you find anything here useful. The onboarding heavy lifting seems to already be done by David and the whole thing looks like it's ready for mass adoption.

We're all just waiting for the 8am doors and lights, and the floor speakers to start playing music.


https://www.hise.dev/ just dropped.. 🎉

Any thoughts or recommendations?

Best, D
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Yeah, what's Native UI??
Notes on KONTAKT 7's HiDPI implementation

Which libraries are available in HiDPI?​

As a sampling-platform, over its 20-years history, there is a portfolio of literally thousands of KONTAKT instruments - the vast majority created by third-party developers.
To enable developers to create modern, high-definition instrument user interfaces in KONTAKT, we’re introducing a new user-interface language for products called the Native UI. This language is currently within closed-alpha and will be made available to developers over time as the language stabilizes. For now, the KONTAKT Factory Library 2 and CHOIR: OMNIA are the only products built on this technology but the number of instruments will quickly grow.

Why is only KONTAKT's browser Hi-DPI? What about the rest of the application?

In order to modernize KONTAKT's look and feel, and support high-DPI monitors, we’ve needed to transition KONTAKT to a new graphics rendering technology. Given KONTAKT's role as a professional tool for many music makers, we’d like to avoid major disruptions to workflows, ensure stability, and deliver benefits early. Thus, we’ve chosen to approach this incrementally and improve the underlying workflows as we go. The powerful new Browser is the first major example of this and based upon extensive user research and testing. Our teams are fully committed & invested into continuing this modernization with the rest of the product to bring it to the place that serves the needs of today’s music maker.
Okay, so another month and yet more (major) additions in HISE:

This month HISE has moved to version 3.5, and has added some major enhancements:

  • a completely revamped wavetable synth with Loris as the main driver for the wavetable creation, the old wavetable system is still there - but this (I think) adds way better resolution/sounding wavetables...
  • a modulation matrix scripting object for managing dynamic modulation concepts
  • ability to use envelopes as global modulator - apply envelopes to multiple targets.
  • hardcoded time variant modulators and envelopes - so HISE has FX "Slots" into which you can load any of the standard or your own scriptnode/faust built FX - dynamically. This is the same thing but for modulation sources, so write your own set of modulators and load then as you wish
  • replaced SNEX code generation backend with a ARM compatible one to get rid of Rosetta on macOS
Thats it for this month (at least)....
The one other thing thats really important is the availability of the Rhapsody Player - for all your open source based library releases. SO you dont need to build any sort of playback system at all - but I will leave David to explain more about that....
The one other thing thats really important is the availability of the Rhapsody Player - for all your open source based library releases. SO you dont need to build any sort of playback system at all - but I will leave David to explain more about that....
Well it looks like David is a bit busy - so I will update based on the patreon video he just posted. So in the end Rhapsody is a "launcher" rather than a conventional player - what this means is it takes away many of the native plugin administration issues. You still need to build you product in HISE, but now you dont need to worry about installers, or code signing or notarizing, you just "Rhapsodise" your product in HISE and it will download(I think) and run in the Rhapsody player.

However if you are looking for a more conventional player, in the style of say Nexus, where you simply build your content as normal in Kontakt and have it delivered as an expansion in the player - then that sort of player is coming to a channel robot site near you...real soon(ish) now.
Well it looks like David is a bit busy - so I will update based on the patreon video he just posted
Thanks Lindon. The video will be public in a couple of days, just wanted to give Patrons early access.

I think I need to trademark that :D

it will download(I think) and run in the Rhapsody player
The download system is just for my own instruments at Libre Wave. Third party instruments can be installed using the manual installer.
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