A number of things added to K7 was in direct response to some of the longest standing feature requests, like zoomable interface, multi instance purge, faster browsing through patches (instead of being asked if you want to save the patch every so often), direct connection to mk3 keyboards instead of requiring KK, etc. etc. So, this is not quite true.
Again not quite true as exemplified in the previous paragraph.
Howvwer, there is nothing wrong in appealing to the majority. Especially when professionals are anyways generally always late in upgrading to the latest versions (so even if they might have the most buying potential, it doesn't necessarily show as much in practice), and they are generally the ones who also disable usage data analytics feature. And then we get statement like this quoted one. You ARE being asked, but you disable the feature that is doing that (the general you, not you personally).
Programmers are not the ones making these decisions. And there is plenty of critical thought being applied to all the changes you're seeing in Kontakt.