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Patchboard public release

May I suggest a small improvement?
It would be nice if Layout Zones only be displayed when there is articulation in it. So when empty=hidden
Ex. I have a Violin patch that does not contains legato, so there's no legato column. So we don't need to create a specific layout setup for it
Good idea! I thought I added a preference for that but maybe not. For some people, they want the layout to be absolutely consistent, even if a column would be empty.
If I had to guess, he probably stopped posting here as to not encourage free suggestions, since implementing new features is part of the "pro" tier.
Nope, nothing intentional… just apparently didn’t get a notification or simply missed it.
I have been exploring the Patchboard elements shown on the website, to gain a better understanding of how it operates. It looks impressive. However I couldn't find much information or any example of preset templates, although the inclusion of templates is the main differential bewtween low tier and mid tier versions. Can you expand a little on what a template/presets consists of, and what ones are included in the indie version? How much adaptation is still going to be necessary if one uses a preset and ones own template? I'm trying to guage the workload involved in switching over from a fully functioning, but eventually obsolete, Composer Tools, setup of approx 700 tracks.
Thanks for any advice.
I have been exploring the Patchboard elements shown on the website, to gain a better understanding of how it operates. It looks impressive. However I couldn't find much information or any example of preset templates, although the inclusion of templates is the main differential bewtween low tier and mid tier versions. Can you expand a little on what a template/presets consists of, and what ones are included in the indie version? How much adaptation is still going to be necessary if one uses a preset and ones own template? I'm trying to guage the workload involved in switching over from a fully functioning, but eventually obsolete, Composer Tools, setup of approx 700 tracks.
Thanks for any advice.
I had this same consideration and chose the DIY tier in the end. Creating patches is VERY easy, much easier than in CTP actually, and I used my Composer Tools Pro template to teach each patchboard articulation the right command as there is a MIDI learn function in Patchboard. This is the list sent of the presets in the Indie tier. But again I went DIY and am satisfied I didn't spring for the extra, even though time is $. How many CTP presets would you be looking to replace? I had a system where ONE preset covered a multitude of sections within a single library, so I only had about 20 to move over. I used Logic Articulation Sets I had for some of the more complex ones, to get the names in. But in reality it wouldn't have taken that long to type those out again.

preset list from Indie Tier:

8DIO: Adagio, Anthology, Insolidus, Lacrimosa, Majestica

AudioBro LASS

Cinematic Strings: CS 1, CS 2, Cinematic Studio Strings, Cinematic Studio Strings Solo

CineSamples: CineBrass, CineStrings, CineWinds

East West: HW Brass, HW Cello Solo, HW Harp, HW Strings, HW Violin Solo, HW Woodwinds, Ra, Silk, EWQL Symphonic Brass, Choirs, Strings, Woodwinds, Voices of Passion

Embertone: Blakus Cello, Chapman Trumpet and Tuba, Friedlander Violin, Joshua Bell Violin

Heavyocity: NOVO

NI: Session Horns Pro, Symphonic Essentials, Symphony Series, VSL Brass, Strings, Woods

Orchestral Tools: Berlin Brass, Berlin Strings, Berlin Woods, Metropolis Ark 1-3

ProjectSAM: Symphobia 1-3

Spitfire Audio: Albion Iceni, Albion One, Albion Tundra, BML Brass, Mural, Phalanx, Sable, Winds, Bernard Herrmann, Chamber Strings, Hans Zimmer Strings, LCO Strings, Masse, Orchestral Swarm, Sacconi Quartet, Skaila Kanga Harp, Symphonic Strings, Brass, Winds
Those of you that have been working with Patchboard for a while....still using it and happy with it?
Those of you that have been working with Patchboard for a while....still using it and happy with it?
Yeah I'm loving it still... and I've kind of tried everything - Lemur (composer tools pro), metagrid, touch OSC....

I use it with Pro Tools, and it just works. I import the tracks from different templates I've set up and patchboard recognizes the track names and pops up the interface for the patch on my iPad as soon as the track is armed to record. That's how I'm using it mostly. Patches are very easy to build, even for complex instruments. fyi, the iPad control system uses a web interface, not an app, so you use safari on the iPad to access it. Which in many ways makes it better than other apps too...as I would sometimes have connectivity issues and always restarting things to get them to connect properly. Doesn't happen with Patchboard.
Loving PB, it’s the secret sauce. But I run it where Lemur ( currently porting template to Touchosc ) is where I select the track by name, and LPX follows. Touchosc has a better scripting approach, and it’s turning out to be a better fit for me than Lemur was for this one thing.
is that because Patchboard does not provide a way to select a track by name while TouchOSC does or just because you got used to working that way?
is that because Patchboard does not provide a way to select a track by name while TouchOSC does or just because you got used to working that way?
Got used to working my way. And btw, it’s PB that hears the touchosc osc message and passes it on to the daw. You can absolutely just select the patch in PB and it selects the track in the daw. If you set up your catalog in a good way, you can view filter patches by Orchestra section, Dev, Library, or instrument type. So in PB you are never more than a few clicks from selecting the track you want. You may likely view and use your template/ catalog in new ways because of it.
Cubase is not responding to key commands made in Patchboard, is anyone having this same issue?
I have also an Avid Dock and Avid S3 and on key commands made with the Dock Cubase response is good


This release includes the Windows version in addition to macOS! It doesn’t support the custom Pro Tools integration on Windows currently—just Cubase, DP and EUCON (which would work for Pro Tools).

To do the DAW integration, I wrote a combination of a bunch of custom control surface plug-ins or reverse engineered stuff to make it work. For any DAWs that don’t support EUCON and I haven’t written a custom integration for (e.g. REAPER or Studio One), it’s a matter of finding the time and the motivation to create a new plug-in. That either means a bunch of users on that platform telling me they need it or someone wants to commission the integration directly and then it would be shared with everyone.
that sounds nice, are there any updates on further integration inside reaper or studio one for this app? thanks, lokotus
Cubase is not responding to key commands made in Patchboard, is anyone having this same issue?
I have also an Avid Dock and Avid S3 and on key commands made with the Dock Cubase response is good


yes same here, that feature is not featured on the website and still in beta... if some users could get together to put some additional feature request money into the pot, he probably would be faster implementing a bug release...but its only a one man show (a good one though ...)

its correctly responding to program changes though, so you might find a way with cub or nuendo 12 to program a custom midi controller which receives program changes that are tied to key commands... havent tried it out yet... at least you would have 128 options to set up key commands with program changes if you don´t use program changes for anthing else...
yes same here, that feature is not featured on the website and still in beta... if some users could get together to put some additional feature request money into the pot, he probably would be faster implementing a bug release...but its only a one man show (a good one though ...)

its correctly responding to program changes though, so you might find a way with cub or nuendo 12 to program a custom midi controller which receives program changes that are tied to key commands... havent tried it out yet... at least you would have 128 options to set up key commands with program changes if you don´t use program changes for anthing else...
I contacted Mike but he's currently very busy, asked him if he could implement the possibility to ad a certain Macro into a Group or Library in Patchboard so one can then, with the right Macros in the PLE from Cubase use these to switch the visibility (for example a certain Group or Library)

At this moment I managed to switch certain visibility settings via a Macro in Patchboard with the new Midi Remote Editor in Cubase by using a CC change in the Patchboard Macro.

But it would be great if one could select a certain Group or Library in Patchboard and Cubase would automatically Synchronise its visibility. It takes a lot of programming in the PLE but it would be possible and without the need of a Generic Remote.
that sounds nice, are there any updates on further integration inside reaper or studio one for this app? thanks, lokotus
Nope, no updates there yet. I've had a couple of requests for Studio One but none really for REAPER oddly. The one new thing is native Apple Silicon support for Logic.
Cubase is not responding to key commands made in Patchboard, is anyone having this same issue?
I have also an Avid Dock and Avid S3 and on key commands made with the Dock Cubase response is good


This is the next bug on my list!
Enthusiastic thumbs up here too—Patchboard was my single best purchase of 2022.
Thoughtful and intuitive design, with uncommonly fast, clear and expert support from a developer who radiates attention to detail. Has given Logic new (and long overdue) template-management and remote articulation switching superpowers; cannot begin to calculate how much time it saves me.
I personally think that we're going to see this voodoo tool in Zimmer's studio. I wonder if you're going to offer a summer sale. Gonna buy the DIY version right away if so.
Not many videos on youtube about this, but i found someone talking about it:

He's using a different workflow from mine though (i'm more a 1 instrument = 1 track kinda guy), but i'm still sure patchboard can speed up my workflow too. Now trying to find the money for this.
Nope, no updates there yet. I've had a couple of requests for Studio One but none really for REAPER oddly. The one new thing is native Apple Silicon support for Logic.

This is the next bug on my list!
Would it be possible to use the New EuCon project script https://forums.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=2517568
In combination with the "Generic Eucon" option inside Patchboard to get Patchboard and Reaper Reaticulate working nicely together or would you have to spend programming time to built something like the virtual controller in cubase for reaper ? Thanks, lokotus
Would it be possible to use the New EuCon project script https://forums.cockos.com/showthread.php?p=2517568
In combination with the "Generic Eucon" option inside Patchboard to get Patchboard and Reaper Reaticulate working nicely together or would you have to spend programming time to built something like the virtual controller in cubase for reaper ? Thanks, lokotus
Possibly! The EuCon emulation in Patchboard hasn’t been updated in a while since I was only really using it to support Cubase before I wrote a Cubase-specific plug-in. It’s likely not working with the latest EuCon drivers and I’d need to do some additional reverse engineering due to the way their protocol works. But it’s definitely possible!

That said, probably better for users and more solid to write a plug-in directly for Reaper.
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