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Kontakt VST3 cutting off long notes randomly when bouncing to audio???

I mean, read up. The issue with offline rendering was fixed, and confirmed fixed by Arne from Note Performer, and other people too.

The DFD loop xfade voice dropout bug was also fixed in K7.6.1.
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Recently a customer had the very same issue despite using the latest Kontakt 7 version. However, there's a workaround I happened to find a while ago, which solved the problem and that I use every time said issue shows up.
Open the Kontakt wave editor and head to the zone corresponding to the problematic sample (you can see the corresponding group in the Expert tab). Slightly move the sample end handle (the orange one) to the left, as long it doesn't cross the loop end handle. It can really be a tiny bit.

Try playing again said layer and it should work (no idea why, but it does). Obviously this works when the loop end and sample end handles do not overlap, like in this case. Schermata 2024-01-18 alle 11.49.17.png
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