TL;DR: Solution (for me this time) was slightly humanizing the notes before bounce. It's not the solution, but apparently sometimes that can work.
Might as well share my take. Experiencing this on Cinematic instruments as well, which is a little ironic, since I think they are my most expensive instruments (they do sound good but would expect them to work technically too).
It appears to happen mostly on render only, but occasionally you can reproduce the note dropouts on playback as well. For example, looping only the problem notes and the notes before them sometimes results in the same note dropouts in playback as in render.
Furthermore, if you have Kontakt open with its Keyboard toggled while bouncing, you can actually see that the dropped notes are not being "pressed" on Kontakt's keyboard at all during rendering. I don't know if that's useful info on troubleshooting to anyone, just caught my eye.
I take it 100% of the people here have tried this, but depending on the extent of the note dropouts in section, I find that sometimes the problem is solved simply by rebouncing. Of course that will easily get rather frustrating as well if it does NOT solve the problem, as rebouncing may render the initially dropped notes, but drop some new notes instead... Rebouncing a few times is usually my go-to solution.
None of the solutions suggested in this thread have worked for me (separately or together):
- DFD -> Sampler = no effect
- Maxing out preload override = no effect
- Changing offline interpolation to Perfect = no effect
I was just now fighting with this problem for a particularly long time (once again, and hence being here typing this message from google rn), and what actually finally fixed the problem was slightly humanizing the notes before bounce. I can't believe it. Normally I always use humanizing with instruments like this, only this time I had it quantized, and the problem was exceptionally persistent. I bounced it multiple times after humanizing and no note dropouts. So, might be wrong here but my quick speculative conclusion is now that humanizing reduces the chances of this problem occurring (doesn't solve it tho).