Infinite Musical Possibilities
So I bought the LCD X after demoing a few, and I told myself I’ll just get used to the weight, “it’s not THAT bad”, etc.I've read a couple of people saying they started having neck issues months after they started using the LCDX...
Thanks, I think I'm probably going to get some Hifiman instead.
I tried to use them for a few days. I just couldn’t. They’re incredibly uncomfortable. The most uncomfortable headphones I’ve ever worn, bar none.
More than the overall weight was the fact the drivers literally touched my ears, bc the padding is so soft it squished down very easily and the excess weight caused them to just sink into the sides of my head.
I returned them for the hifiman arya. Those are ridiculously lightweight and comfortable. Highly recommended over the lcd x. Or Focal Clear/Clear MG, those are also super comfortable and the MG have a warmer, more balanced sound signature which sounds more like priceless studio monitors, I love them for mixing and composing.
HiFiMAN Arya sound more like you’re sitting in the front row of an orchestra. They are VERY expansive and layered. Definitely the most immersive listening experience I’ve ever had, but they’re also very bright. All Planars kind of suffer from a less natural timbre in the high mids/treble region, Arya can sound a bit metallic or shrill, like on violins for instance. Once you buy a pair and get used to it, it’s not a big deal, but if you’re A/Bing any, it really sticks out as unnatural. I love them for listening but less for mixing or composing, bc the way they present sound is incredibly unique (it doesn’t present what the average listener would hear) and the strange timbre can also cause me to overcompensate in the mixing stage. Also worth noting these are the Arya stealth I am referring to (v 3) and were now on v4 with Arya Organic