Rick Baumhauer
Vision Pro exceeds 92Hz (though at <8K equivalent - a bit more than a 6K display), and 32-bit color is 24 bits for color and 8 bits for transparency, which Vision Pro will use. It's a tradeoff - my assumption is that moving processing off-device doesn't give you meaningful reductions in headset weight vs the technical hurdles it raises. Add in that the endgame is processing on-device, so if you can do it now, you do it now, especially given that the competition (such as it is) is already there. I don't know if Apple will ever explain exactly why they took the path they did, so in the absence of that, I'm making the best guesses I canThe DP2.1 standard says that'll give you 92Hz for 8K uncompressed (what gets called "32-bit colour" is really 24bits/pixel) so that seems in the right area.