Aah man, those were the days. <sigh>
I'm using it more & more, it's a lovely place to hang out.I think Bitwig looks probably the sharpest actually of all the DAWs.
I'm not that fond of the new interface changes either, but I soldier on for the functionality and am considering purchasing a much larger display to help improve legibility of all the tiny text and dense UI elements without needing to dramatically scale up my OS resolution.I upgraded to 13 last night to see what all the fuss is about and dear lord, what an eyesore.
Also lots of inconsistencies, areas where they didn't apply the new design style, like the Control Room, the right zone, etc. I hope they'll update, tweak the UI again soon, because - yikes. That Mix Console really hurts my (old designer) eyes. Way too harsh.
I don't know where the current state of the thread is, but I wanted to submit that this^, learning and taking control of your UI so it does what you want, is how you fall in love with it. And otherwise, I find just by changing the Project colors in Preferences (key editor + arrangement backgrounds, etc) I am happy with how Cubase looks.Hide things you don’t need. Most of the toolbar icons can either be shown or hidden. The transport can also be customised to only show what you need. Same with track settings. A lot of stuff can be tucked away out of sight.
The best friend of a feature-rich program with an obtuse UX is often a great set of shortcuts and macros. Try looking into Metagrid or TouchOSC (or OSC?)!While I don't intend to switch, I must commend Presonus for creating such a well designed, feature rich interface that still feels intuitive and easy to use. I have always found Cubase to be a bit more obtuse, but it's worth the time investment for all the power and flexibility.