I have to chime in and say that, after trying nearly every DAW, the combination of Nuendo and Vienna Ensemble Pro is it and I will propably keep using it until I die. That's not to say I am not looking at other DAWs, but I just can't get myself to change. Several reasons:
-I took a good hard long look at Reaper, and while it is SO good on paper, to implement some features you have to go so far that I lose interest (multiple scripts all with a different workflow that is hard to change since I am totally not a coder is one reason, the other is demonstrated by
@robgb when he shows the video about the thumbnail toolbar). I mean, that one with the toolbar is cool and all, but I have a DAW that does this natively: Nuendo. I like that it's possible but I do not want to spend time in Affinity doing that.
As such, I would spend a great deal of time getting Reaper up to where I want it. Too much. And I know that toolbar is optional. But there are other things: Reaticulate is awesome but again spending time to create those maps is... severly disheartening.
And yes, OTR has a build in visual script for that, but then I have to download OTR and go through it and...
Nuendo does this natively. And so I go back to Nuendo, disheartened, again telling myself ''why do I do this?'' I so want to like Reaper. But I return every. single. time.
Perhaps it's time to throw in the towel and just say that it's not for me.
-I also spend a lot of time with Studio One; however, it can't hold large templates at all (there have been updates, but so far no dice compared to Cubase/Nuendo) and it is feature rich but... not Nuendo feature-rich. It needs a lot of time in the oven. For me. I can understand it's perfect for other people. And some of those implementations of features is so cool!
But alas, no Attributes for articulations kills Sound Variations for me. That lovely preset system though... But then, no ASIO-Guard like system (the one in Studio One DOESN'T work with VI's correctly!) and then I see the browser in Studio One and compare it to Mediabay, which I use extensively and...
Well, there you go.
Nuendo certainly isn't perfect, but it does SO much. It's the perfect combination between MIDI, audio, mixing and post workflow for me. Helps that I also have Spectralayers, Absolute (with Halion and Groove Agent and Backbone) and Wavelab and those integrate so beautifully... It's such a complete system. It feels so luxurious to use too, like the full premium package.
Maybe that's what it is. Other DAWs feel watered down for me. Except Reaper, Reaper is too hardcore. Nuendo sits in that perfect goldilocks zone for me. And combined with Vienna Ensemble Pro...
It. Just. Keeps. Chugging. no matter what I do!