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The Perfect DAW in MacOS

I did. But only as “another DAW I’ve (of necessity) worked with.”
As I wrote, if I were able to play in keyboard parts well enough not to require so much editing I'd use only Pro Tools. It's great for audio knick-knacks. They got the editing interface right 25 years ago, as far as I'm concerned.

And of course they had a head start on everyone else. They're also responsible for the plug-in industry, or they were the first.

Also, remember SampleCell? Then Soft SampleCell?
As I wrote, if I were able to play in keyboard parts well enough not to require so much editing I'd use only Pro Tools. It's great for audio knick-knacks. They got the editing interface right 25 years ago, as far as I'm concerned.

And of course they had a head start on everyone else. They're also responsible for the plug-in industry, or they were the first.

Also, remember SampleCell? Then Soft SampleCell?

DECK II / Metro/ Unity DS1 user back then, myself.
I don't mind comparative DAW 101 if people actually talk about differences. Recently I collaborated with friend who is a die hard Live user, it shocked me to find out that Live doesn't give you a metronome count in unless you're recording. I'm used to DP's extensive selections on how count in and the metronome behave, and come to find out that Logic also doesn't have count in unless in record, Reaper can do it, but it's a bit convoluted when it's at bar 1|1|00 because it uses it's conductor.

The same can be said with Logic winning the race in regards to capturing a conductor track for audio or MIDI not recorded to a metronome. DP can do it but only with a lot of adjusting by the user. So if that was more important to you, you would go with Logic.

They are not all the same, all of them are absolutely amazing if you've dealt with DAWs for over a decade or more, and no one who writes any kind of music should be that hindered by any of them at this point, but there are subtle differences and areas they excel at.
This is really why I come to these DAW-wars competitions. I always learn something new about various DAWs, some of which I have and some I don't but might be interested in. I really would lke to replace ProTools as my main DAW, but have problems with every DAW I am tried. This is not to say ProTools is perfect, it is just the one I know best. And? It may just be I need to spend more time learning enough of them all to make a decision.
Logic “kinda” have a count in while playing. Just engage the metronome(K shortcut in my case, don’t remember if it’s the default) and instead of pressing play, use “play from previous bar” shortcut if you’ve assigned it to something(hope you did as it’s a very useful shortcut when recording people, whether they need a metronome or not). It will give you a one-bar count-in with metronome. If you need more than one bar, you’re screwed!!:)
Yeah that’s similar to what Reaper does, a tied to the timeline version. thanks for the tip there. It’s a comparable workaround to DP11 matching free range tempo, but not being as good in my limited experience as Logics much newer implementation. Of course in end user typical fashion if you’re more into recording live bands then you would want the best of both DAWs. Neither things are major workarounds, DP maybe in my experience has more tools for editing free range tempo tracks, or matching the timeline by hand, but in my limited experience with Logics newer implementation it’s pretty solid without editing.
Logic “kinda” have a count in while playing. Just engage the metronome(K shortcut in my case, don’t remember if it’s the default) and instead of pressing play, use “play from previous bar” shortcut if you’ve assigned it to something(hope you did as it’s a very useful shortcut when recording people, whether they need a metronome or not). It will give you a one-bar count-in with metronome. If you need more than one bar, you’re screwed!!:)
You can have up to 6 bars of count in. (It's in the project settings menu). If I'm understanding you correctly (?), you can also have a click playing whenever the transport is active without needing to choose 'play from previous bar'. The metronome has a dropdown with options, as well as additional options in the project settings menu.

Recently I collaborated with friend who is a die hard Live user, it shocked me to find out that Live doesn't give you a metronome count in unless you're recording. I'm used to DP's extensive selections on how count in and the metronome behave, and come to find out that Logic also doesn't have count in unless in record
That's also incorrect. Your friend has "Enable only while recording" toggled on. Like Logic, you can have a metronome playing whenever Live's transport is running.
Even with that, updates to plugins like Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt seemed to have solved spikes that were happening. I just don't think these things are related to efficiency cores per say, I got roped into thinking that by online forums etc. but I just don't see a direct correlation. Any modern multi core system will load more than one plugin on it's core, we're far beyond systems that can't handle this. In my own tests Logic which does not use efficiency cores gets 110 instance of Diva, this as a plugin that utilizes CPU only and with 8 efficiency cores here I get 30 more instances in Reaper and DP11, roughly 3.75 instances of CPU heavy Diva on each Efficiency core, that doesn't point to them being incapable of handling plugins. The markup in power is obvious though if you use Logic as a Base, 110/16 = 6.875 instances of Diva per performance core. It's not straight math, but the fact that Reaper and DP get exactly the same amount of plugins makes it seem a little less silly.

Just out of curiosity, did you do that Diva comparison test with Diva's multi-core mode turned on?
I have also heard on forums there have been issues with e and p cores on both OS, but here anyway an update to Sonoma solved it. Plus realistically only about half of my plugins are Sonoma compatible.

See this blog post from BlueCatAudio. They don't feel Sonoma has actually fixed it:

here is another interesting blog post from him explaining mor about the challenge at hand and the hacks they are attempting to do at blueCatAudio to code around it:

The problem at hand is mainly related to plugins using multi-core processing inside the plugin, as I understand it...and on MacOS, Apple has created this AudioWorkGroups feature as a way to handle the two core types better, but unfortunately buried a lot of it deep inside the CoreAudio framework, making it difficult for VST to take advantage of it. so it appears that at least in the short term, AU versions of some plugins may in fact out perform VST versions, or at least be more reliable. This appears to mainly be related to plugins using multi-core processing in the plugin, but might also impact VST hosting, I'm not entirely sure at the moment. But its multi-core plugins which might have the random audio drop outs, even when the overall system is not being maxed out...which people have reported far and wide as "random audio drop outs" apparently.

i think they will figure it all out, I don't think we should say VST is permanently doomed. But they will have to figure it out and in the short run it very well may be that Apple Silicon users should prefer AU plugins whenever possible, or consider using BlueCatAudio patchwork to wrap around VST plugins, since he seems to feel he figured out a hack around the issue.

I think it's important to also note, that if Steinberg figures out a solution for this, they will absolutely not apply it to VST2, so...this is one more thing to force people up to VST3 from their perspective, whatever its worth. i think we will see some developments in this area over this year and next year...its just that this new hardware architecture with its benefits, does not line up with certain approaches that have been used for years by audio software developers..and they are all going to have to figure out how to make it all work reliably... It's unfortunate Apple buried their AudioWorkGroups solution deep inside CoreAudio that way, or maybe it's not surprising hhahaha. I wonder how CLAP will fare with all of this, maybe this will be a way for CLAP to finally take over where VST is falling short. But for Cubase users, I think you have to wait for Steinberg to figure it out, and Steinberg will absolutely not provide AU nor CLAP hosting...so....
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I have to chime in and say that, after trying nearly every DAW, the combination of Nuendo and Vienna Ensemble Pro is it and I will propably keep using it until I die. That's not to say I am not looking at other DAWs, but I just can't get myself to change. Several reasons:

-I took a good hard long look at Reaper, and while it is SO good on paper, to implement some features you have to go so far that I lose interest (multiple scripts all with a different workflow that is hard to change since I am totally not a coder is one reason, the other is demonstrated by @robgb when he shows the video about the thumbnail toolbar). I mean, that one with the toolbar is cool and all, but I have a DAW that does this natively: Nuendo. I like that it's possible but I do not want to spend time in Affinity doing that.

As such, I would spend a great deal of time getting Reaper up to where I want it. Too much. And I know that toolbar is optional. But there are other things: Reaticulate is awesome but again spending time to create those maps is... severly disheartening.

And yes, OTR has a build in visual script for that, but then I have to download OTR and go through it and...

Nuendo does this natively. And so I go back to Nuendo, disheartened, again telling myself ''why do I do this?'' I so want to like Reaper. But I return every. single. time.

Perhaps it's time to throw in the towel and just say that it's not for me.

-I also spend a lot of time with Studio One; however, it can't hold large templates at all (there have been updates, but so far no dice compared to Cubase/Nuendo) and it is feature rich but... not Nuendo feature-rich. It needs a lot of time in the oven. For me. I can understand it's perfect for other people. And some of those implementations of features is so cool!

But alas, no Attributes for articulations kills Sound Variations for me. That lovely preset system though... But then, no ASIO-Guard like system (the one in Studio One DOESN'T work with VI's correctly!) and then I see the browser in Studio One and compare it to Mediabay, which I use extensively and...

Well, there you go.

Nuendo certainly isn't perfect, but it does SO much. It's the perfect combination between MIDI, audio, mixing and post workflow for me. Helps that I also have Spectralayers, Absolute (with Halion and Groove Agent and Backbone) and Wavelab and those integrate so beautifully... It's such a complete system. It feels so luxurious to use too, like the full premium package.

Maybe that's what it is. Other DAWs feel watered down for me. Except Reaper, Reaper is too hardcore. Nuendo sits in that perfect goldilocks zone for me. And combined with Vienna Ensemble Pro...

It. Just. Keeps. Chugging. no matter what I do!
You can have up to 6 bars of count in. (It's in the project settings menu). If I'm understanding you correctly (?), you can also have a click playing whenever the transport is active without needing to choose 'play from previous bar'. The metronome has a dropdown with options, as well as additional options in the project settings menu.

That's also incorrect. Your friend has "Enable only while recording" toggled on. Like Logic, you can have a metronome playing whenever Live's transport is running.
You're missing the part about count-in, that is only tied to recording in Live. You can't have a metronome count-in in Live or Bitwig without it being tied to recording.

Trying the suggestion in Logic it's pretty cool, I'm glad it works previous to bar one, that was the drag of Live's inability here. Logic at least allows for a count-in a bar or two before bar one, which is what was so "fun" in Live. Logic does it just like Reaper really. DP11 by far has the best options here. It's and actual metronome only count-in, with multiple choices for how to
See this blog post from BlueCatAudio. They don't feel Sonoma has actually fixed it:

here is another interesting blog post from him explaining mor about the challenge at hand and the hacks they are attempting to do at blueCatAudio to code around it:

The problem at hand is mainly related to plugins using multi-core processing inside the plugin, as I understand it...and on MacOS, Apple has created this AudioWorkGroups feature as a way to handle the two core types better, but unfortunately buried a lot of it deep inside the CoreAudio framework, making it difficult for VST to take advantage of it. so it appears that at least in the short term, AU versions of some plugins may in fact out perform VST versions, or at least be more reliable. This appears to mainly be related to plugins using multi-core processing in the plugin, but might also impact VST hosting, I'm not entirely sure at the moment. But its multi-core plugins which might have the random audio drop outs, even when the overall system is not being maxed out...which people have reported far and wide as "random audio drop outs" apparently.

i think they will figure it all out, I don't think we should say VST is permanently doomed. But they will have to figure it out and in the short run it very well may be that Apple Silicon users should prefer AU plugins whenever possible, or consider using BlueCatAudio patchwork to wrap around VST plugins, since he seems to feel he figured out a hack around the issue.

I think it's important to also note, that if Steinberg figures out a solution for this, they will absolutely not apply it to VST2, so...this is one more thing to force people up to VST3 from their perspective, whatever its worth. i think we will see some developments in this area over this year and next year...its just that this new hardware architecture with its benefits, does not line up with certain approaches that have been used for years by audio software developers..and they are all going to have to figure out how to make it all work reliably... It's unfortunate Apple buried their AudioWorkGroups solution deep inside CoreAudio that way, or maybe it's not surprising hhahaha. I wonder how CLAP will fare with all of this, maybe this will be a way for CLAP to finally take over where VST is falling short. But for Cubase users, I think you have to wait for Steinberg to figure it out, and Steinberg will absolutely not provide AU nor CLAP hosting...so....
So I followed that Blue Cat thread on KVR, even upgraded to Sonoma after his first post, and I think it's a bit of a red herring. Here's why, I use dozens of plugins on the regular that are not currently Sonoma ready, including the main two that were causing some issues (because of a bad update) Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol. So they don't cause major problems anymore, more largely due to the update than Sonoma, and Blue Cats issue with their own plugins are related to using multi core calls on a single track etc. I'm not seeing personally any major spiking using multi core capable plugins on Apple Silicon, what I see more is some plugins that are unstable in Sonoma. I think I and others are getting caught in a game of whack a mole about an issue that isn't much of one for most of us. Kontakt with multiple instruments in it I don't think is using multiple cores, VEP certainly doesn't have to offloading it's process to a different application even. I haven't noticed any particular multi core possibly using plugin doing anything crazy.

Now the MPC and Amplitube among other plugins I love that haven't had proper updates for Sonoma or really probably Ventura, those are acting up. I don't think even Reason Rack uses multi core features, and because various DAWs don't like it, I never have it as a default setting in Diva etc.

So yeah IMO anyway following a developers complaints about his multi core plugin issues led me I believe down the wrong path, NI posted updates for Kontakt etc. and I now have a few other issues, (minor but hey), related to plugins in Sonoma.
Multi core off, accuracy Great.
I think you should attempt the test with multi core on also. That is apparently where problems might come up with random dropouts. It’s not that they will spike, it’s that they will wait, and lead to a drop out. By the way kontakt can use multi cores but you have to turn that pref on, just for testing that is, I agree it’s usually wiser to leave it off. We are just trying to understand the implication of e cores, and non use of Audi work groups

I haven’t seen the kvr thread you mentioned but I will try to find it and catch up on all the musings there
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Anyway, is it relates to this thread, I personally think any and all e core related issues are being worked out as we speak and will be non issue in the longrun, and even in the shortrun may be a non-issue for many people because certain scenarios will not expose the problem and others will. May be that many people could run along just fine, as machinesworking has been, others might not. That discussion is somewhat academic, but DAW developers do need to work out the details and figure out the solutions that will avoid any and all problems of that nature while also getting the most performance as possible out of the dual architecture. i personally think that is a work in progress and there is not much point in trying to identify which DAW is currently handling it best. Theoretically we could say that is Logicpro, but on the other hand, seems like their approach is under utilizing the hardware...so... but I personally think it will be changing a lot over the next year or two as they work it out.
I think you should attempt the test with multi core on also. That is apparently where problems might come up with random dropouts
The problem with multi core and Diva existed before the M1 came out though. You get less instances and audio crackling and dropouts pretty quickly using multi core to do a to failure test. Plus the whole issue that Blue Cat were talking about was with VST3 and low CPU conditions. It sounds similar to an issue years ago not involving multi core, but involving power down states in Intel Westlake chips. When hit suddenly with a high CPU situation in a project the chip would not power up in time and cause a dropout, in that case only the first time.

I'm willing to bet most of the end users that are thinking their dropouts are due to what Blue Cat are talking about are really experiencing spiking from incompatible plugins that haven't been updated for Sonoma or even Ventura. This is some of the issues with the sort of in the dark troubleshooting people are doing, that we as end users aren't always right about what we think is causing the issue.

Even the parameters for this issue are so specific as to be not that consequential (multi core plugin, low CPU meter, VST), but it has blown up as if it's a universal problem, and like I mentioned, so many plugins are not tested fully on Sonoma, or Ventura, and that is IMO more of an issue.
I’d still be curious to see the same comparison test you did before but with multi core enabled. Otherwise I’m calling bunk in your claim and I still have to side with Apple that they probably know what they are doing until further notice. It’s possible that in some cases some people will be able to slide through on all cores and no problems as you did in your test but that is not a comprehensive enough test to make declarative statements about e core usage by steinberg, motu and reaper. I think this issue still needs to be worked out.

Would be nice if in logicpro we had some option to force more ecore use in case we are simple cases like yours where it would be fine
I’d still be curious to see the same comparison test you did before but with multi core enabled. Otherwise I’m calling bunk in your claim and I still have to side with Apple that they probably know what they are doing until further notice. It’s possible that in some cases some people will be able to slide through on all cores and no problems as you did in your test but that is not a comprehensive enough test to make declarative statements about e core usage by steinberg, motu and reaper. I think this issue still needs to be worked out.

Would be nice if in logicpro we had some option to force more ecore use in case we are simple cases like yours where it would be fine
There's absolutely no reason to get hostile. Blue Cat gave very specific conditions for their issue, it's not endemic, and like I mentioned, what is more endemic is spiking plugins likely due to not being tested on the latest OS's. There's also more than one reason why Logic might be only using P cores, reasons that might have nothing to do with the OS's ability to manage them, or Blue Cats issues with multi core capable VST3's. Plus like I mentioned, flatly we are shooting in the dark here, all I can do is provide the results I see, there's not a single reason for me to pull the wool over you or anyone else's eyes. From what I recall you're not on Apple Silicon or Sonoma, so I'm doing what I can to let you know the results I see with as much flat methodology as possible.

I can do the test, but there's almost zero evidence that can be drawn from using Diva in multi core mode, whether on an Intel Mac or Apple Silicon. The Reason Diva was coded to be able to turn multi core support on an off comes straight from Urs, some DAWs do not react well to multi core plugins. Plus a test to failure with multicore enabled always results in significantly lower track counts.

The main thing it might point out is if multi core is enabled and we have a few instances of Diva it might get dropouts, what Blue Cat described, but that might just be the case for that DAW simply because it doesn't respond well to U-He's implementation of multi core support which he admits doesn't work in all DAWs well. The only Blue Cat plugin I own is Connector, which frankly is prone to issues with drop outs by it's very nature.

The Diva test I used is availible here: https://music-prod.com/logic-pro-benchmarks/
It takes a little bit of work to get useable MIDI out of Logic, but as long as you do and use the same settings in every DAW (including the same factory patch in Diva), you can get a reasonable benchpmark that anyone can use.
Hostile? Whoa not at all. Calm down man. I don’t have suitable hardware or i already would have tried it
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