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Who's using Reaper and Reaticulate?

recently smitten with Reaper.

and i've owned it for years.

Reaticulate will be my final frontier - i think i have it installed correctly.

just trying to figure out how to show the patch change lane it uses for each channel.

Does anyone know of a link to elucidate a Reaticulate N00b how in the heck to view Keyswitch data in the MIDI editor?

recently smitten with Reaper.

and i've owned it for years.

Reaticulate will be my final frontier - i think i have it installed correctly.

just trying to figure out how to show the patch change lane it uses for each channel.
@babylonwaves I believe this is the main Reaticulate thread here on VI-C:

The thread of which you speak on Reaper:

;) i'm not anyway. but i'm also not the guys who asks the fans how much they like their club. what I offer is designed for the target group of VI control and i'd like to know how many here use Reaper as their DAW. because Cubase and Logic I have already covered. you're right, i'm funnelling things down a lot - on purpose.

i've found a single Reaticulate thread on the reaper forum which is there since 2 years and has about 400 post, if that's all it is, well ...
@babylonwaves I own Art Conductor 9 for both the Logic Pro and Studio One. I play with REAPER from time-to-time. It didn't sound like there was much interest when this was asked at the end of 2020.

Anyway, there is GitHub repo that converts Cubase Expression Maps and Logic Pro Articulation Set files to .reabanks for Reaticulate:

Couple questions regarding Art Conductor licensing:
  • Are owners of Art Conductor permitted to convert these libraries to .reabanks for personal use?
  • If owners of Art Conductors are permitted to convert these libraries to .reabanks, are they allowed to share them?
I'd expect that last one to be a hard "No."

Anyway, maybe that repo can get you most of the way to a releasable product making the level of effort somewhat minimal.
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Couple questions regarding Art Conductor licensing:
  • Are owners of Art Conductor permitted to convert these libraries to .reabanks for personal use?
  • If owners of Art Conductors are permitted to convert these libraries to .reabanks, are they allowed to share them?
You cannot convert or share Art Conductor content, as stated in the EULA.
You cannot convert or share Art Conductor content, as stated in the EULA.
Then, of course, it begs the question of whether you've reconsidered the idea of building your own set. Considering that both Reaper and Reaticulate (including OTR) have become more popular since the previous time, and there is a tool available that would make it easier for you to create a set. Thank you.
Then, of course, it begs the question of whether you've reconsidered the idea of building your own set
A couple of years back some people ask similar questions and it turned out that Reaper user would like native Art Conductor sets but didn’t like the idea of paying for those. That’s the reason why we never started working on those. I wonder if things have changed?
A couple of years back some people ask similar questions and it turned out that Reaper user would like native Art Conductor sets but didn’t like the idea of paying for those. That’s the reason why we never started working on those. I wonder if things have changed?
I think most Reaper users are just fine with Reaticulate.
A couple of years back some people ask similar questions and it turned out that Reaper user would like native Art Conductor sets but didn’t like the idea of paying for those. That’s the reason why we never started working on those. I wonder if things have changed?
I personally would pay for it. I would probably buy your existing set as well, if it was okay to unofficially convert it for my own use afterwards. Of course, I only speak for myself and I don't know to what extent the community around Reaper is locked in the open source mentality.
I personally would pay for it. I would probably buy your existing set as well, if it was okay to unofficially convert it for my own use afterwards. Of course, I only speak for myself and I don't know to what extent the community around Reaper is locked in the open source mentality.
Same... as an owner of numerous 8Dio, NI, VSL libraries, Art Conductor saves me a ton of time and that is worth the price. I program 9-12 hours a day... not trying to spend even more hours writing articulations and organizing them especially when it is already done for a modest amount.
I think most Reaper users are just fine with Reaticulate.
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Same... as an owner of numerous 8Dio, NI, VSL libraries, Art Conductor saves me a ton of time and that is worth the price. I program 9-12 hours a day... not trying to spend even more hours writing articulations and organizing them especially when it is already done for a modest amount.

I assume you've heard of Reaticulate?

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I personally would be happy to purchase articulation sets. There can be kind of a weird thing among reaper users, that somehow paying money for goods and services within reaper is not in the spirit of reaper. I know that at least some of us would gladly pay though. Have you posted in the thread on the reaper forum? Probably get a good idea over there
I personally would be happy to purchase articulation sets. There can be kind of a weird thing among reaper users, that somehow paying money for goods and services within reaper is not in the spirit of reaper. I know that at least some of us would gladly pay though. Have you posted in the thread on the reaper forum? Probably get a good idea over there
I'm not sure this is an accurate characterization of Reaper users. I think the attitude is simply why pay for 3rd party software when the community built version works just fine? I think if Reaper users didn't have a solution to the articulation problem, most would gladly pay for it.
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I'm not sure this is an accurate characterization of Reaper users. I think the attitude is simply why pay for 3rd party software when the community built version works just fine? I think if Reaper users didn't have a solution to the articulation problem, most would gladly pay for it.
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