My template specifications (objectives):
• Load (empty) quickly when opened: 30 sec to 3 min max.
• Correct latency (512 buffer max).
• Quickly load instruments
• Adapts to my audio printing routing.
• Is compatible with my Hardware.
First of all, the good news is that AIO computer is now possible, which was my first goal that I set for myself by initially jumping into the void (!).
The other good news is that the Macstudio Ultra is a machine that will be able to meet my needs. David Kudell's tests show that this computer takes only 5 "38 to load 101GB (!). It's insane. For the same quantity on my PC, I think it must take at least 15-25 min (depending on the instruments and which in itself is quite fast).
I think I will base my template on a model that I know and that I have used for more than ten years, that is to say CUBASE + VEP SERVER
BUT on a single machine, although the DISABLED tracks model presents some undeniable advantages.
This will not prevent me from incrementing certain things in VST DISABLE in addition, within my configuration, as the work progresses.
What I like most about the DISABLED template: (y) shortcut for activating instruments very fast way.
What I like least with VEP server: the damn automation cumbersome length to create manually for the same function. I mean it’s slave labor!
For me, the choice of model is based on two parameters:
• The habit
• My audio printing tracks routing which is more efficient with VEP Server.
We can debate on the why or how, but at this point in the post, I would like to stay focused on the main lines.
I quickly (for a str 5tet exemple) analyzed the influence of my "audio printing routing" on the two models (DISABLED vs. VEP Server) and I think that the VEP Server will be more consistent (modularity) and more efficient in terms of resources (see routing diagram).
Guy, has your method of assigning CC via VEP automation evolved since the release of Cubase 13 and VEP 7?
I work with 3 screens, one of which is dedicated to the VEP Server, so initially activating things manually (as I have always done) will be possible.
About Hosted in VEP, I think I need to find something in between regarding the number of kontakt (or sine & co...) instances on a single VEP track so that when it is activated, the data in RAM is not too large and therefore the time is not too long. . Afterwards I can also use the purged samples functionality within the players (kontakt / sine / SA…).
All this remains to be defined and my brain is racing with billions of parameters to take into account.
Let's say that I will confess my moods daily on this page and that psychoanalytic critiques will be welcome.

See you soon.