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Jaycen Joshua's The God Particle plug-in

Can someone help. Slapping this on the 2buss and limiting is as expected (-0.1). Put GP on 'stem busses' (set to 'ext' and sidechain) - and the final 2buss doesn't limit to -0.1 but clips beyond 0. (made certain all are set to unity)

Again GP works perfect on limiting with a single instance on the 2bus but not limiting with using ext/sidechain on each stem buss.

Love some help for those using this with stem exporting (on Cubase Pro)

(note: they do mention on their FAQ that each Cubasse sidechain instance should see 3.0 LESS for 'matched/nulling' - that works fine to achieve that. But still clipping on final 2 buss)
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I also bought it but it was extremely tight. I put it in cart, then changed my mind. Then put it again, but again I closed it when it came to PayPal. Do I really need it? This yes and no, lasted 1 hour.

But I finally bought it. I reasoned that it's payday (31st) tomorrow, so I guess they knew the right timeline when to put it for sale. (Just a hint for developers.)
I don't want to diminish your enthusiasm, but at the same perceived level the "off" version sounds a lot better.
The "on" version has that somehow cheapish hi-mid excitement that was typical for the abuse of the earlier Ozone versions.

I think a plugin like the Oven, used in moderation, will serve this kind of music much better.
Isn't the oven just a saturator?

No one wants to admit their product is using a known method of saturation or EQ, but saying this doesn't help sell it to me, because I have a lot of saturators. For me, every style or genre I go for is a bit of a challenge in itself - e.g. when I heard BOSTON's first album, I hadn't really heard that guitar sound before - it works for the mix he produced with his band. But there are a thousand mixes that it would not work for. Sometimes I have to use my ears all over again :D:

"It’s a colorful “Mojo Box” designed to "Cook, Bake & Broil" any sound source, whether an individual track, stem, group, mixbuss or mastering chain. From subtle hi-fi enhancement to aggressive drive, it will add warmth, size, depth, color and sizzle to your tracks."
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im trying to download this Ozone 9 preset with no success
I just added the preset to my cart (from the link in the video description) for $0 and I think gave it a spam catcher email address. I don't remember having any issues. Maybe you have a VPN turned on - or maybe his site isn't working?
I just heard about this today. Nice that there's a 14-day demo.
To the users, do you still have this on your master bus?
Are you mixing into it with the limiter on 5 (default)?

And when you want more loudness in the very end you just push the limiter in TGP harder?
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