Senior Member
I would be curious to know what other hardware issues they’ve had. Always good to know that stuff.Pretty much every slate hardware product has had issues, have they not?..
And the way the plugins slowed down a lot and got more expensive after the subscription started soured me on them..
They actually have been adding product to the subscription - which model I know some people refuse out of hand - at a fast clip, including their own new plugs (EQs, Opto, autotuner just recently), third party plugs and soundware. It’s more than I really need! The subscription model gets expensive if you keep it for too long, but if you use the products a lot and are making good mixes+money, why not? The ‘problem’ is that there are so many great plugins nowadays that we are spoiled for choice. So then it gets down to whether a particular plugin is worth the full price. If it is, it is, if not then not.

People bitch about Slate, but salesmanship aside, he does have some good products. VSX is going to solve some problems for me. I would never rent *those* btw. Hope the hardware issues get ironed out
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