negative delay

  1. C

    VEPro's Buffer, Cubase and Negative Track Delay

    Hello, I was finishing my orchestral template (finally) but I stumbled upon the realization that I actually need to up the VEPro plugin's Buffer Size to not have cracks in the audio when many tracks are playing at the same time. I'm using VEPro 6.5 (latest version before 7). My question is as...
  2. Q

    Virharmonic Bohemian Violin & Cello Delay Delay Question

    Hey folks! I recently bought the Bohemian Violin and also the Cello (both V4) and I'm trying to get them to sound nice and all. But it seems, although I never found anything on the Internet, that the sound of both comes with an clearly audible attack time. But because no one seems to talk...
  3. Max Pa

    Negative delay and quantizing BUT NOT ROBOTIC. Works for you? Suggestions?

    So I found this thing of using negative delay and then quantize all tracks when you do a film score mockup. Many people say that results are good and that most famous composers and assistants do this. (Only tracks played manually without quantization would be piano and solo instruments.)...
  4. cato

    Negative delays in Logic Pro X clipping start of track on bounce

    Hi there, I wonder if someone can suggest the best way to deal with this: I'm getting a clipped sound at the beginning of my bounced tracks whenever I use negative delays on a track in Logic. It must be because the bounce is rendering a negative delay from the first midi note meaning it starts...
  5. jadedsean

    Reaper question

    Hey guys i recently bought the new Genesis Choir library from Audiobro which sounds fantastic but i'm having a few issues with the timing, in the walk through they discuss a negative delay time of 350ms, i have read some Reaper threads that talks about the lack of this feature within the DAW...
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