Hey there, I finally have found my way to this amazing website full of experts. :)
To make things clear: I am quite new to the usage of a DAW to write music, so I'm most of the time kinda lost when I try to accomplish something on Cubase 7.5. Some things work very intuitively, especially the...
Hi all!
I finished the first version of a "mockup" of the Irene Adler theme from the TV Series Sherlock.
While the original is actually for full orchestra, I decided to get more into Orchestral Tools First Chairs and did it as a string quintett.
I'd be especially interest in mixing tips and...
Someone suggested in another thread that it would be useful with more Logic tips and tricks, so here's a thread everyone can use to share are find tips.
I'll start:
If you want to replace only a part of a region in an easy way as possible, enable Content Punch. You can do this by clicking on...
Hi VI-Controllers,
You all ready for Black Friday? Have you made up your wishlist? Well its just around the corner. We're running Black Friday specials on our music production courses. All these courses are $10 until the end of Black Friday. Grab them while you can and we look forward to seeing...