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FX:Teleport networked sampling boxes


New Member
Anyone running their sampling machines via FX Teleport? I'm currently looking into doing it this way, and have only a few small things to resolve (like some plugins loaded in multiple instances seem to not go weel with FX:T... crackle without FX:T latency overload etc.).

Anyone fancy sharing their wisdom about this one? I did collect quite some info on this but until its working flawlessly here its rather moot to recommend anything myself :P


sfz+ currently. one instance works fine, as soon as I add another instance (on the same slave machine) I'm getting crackle in the first instance. Even when all I play is a patch in the second instance, the crackle will still come out of one of the first instance's outputs, thats also visible right at the slave's fx:t meters.

I'm also wondering when you have several same plugins on different slaves, the wrapped dlls on the host look all the same, how do I tell which is which?


can'thelp with sfz, I don't own it.
As far as being able to select the needed plg when you have it installed on several slaves, there is a little tab in the window of the plug in your master application. You determine which destination you want to use by selecting a small tab in the center left of the plugin window (same window that controls latency) and then choosing which slave computer you plan on using. Sorry if this isn't clear but I am not in front of my music setup rite now...
Thanks for the hint about the dropdown list. Mailed Max and Ren? about this crackle issue, hoping it'll be resolved quickly so that I can test how well that combo performs.

Hi, I even renamed the DLL's. For example; Kontakt-daw2.dll - Kontakt-daw3.dll etc.

I've noticed a strange thing where I get to about 30 or so instruments loaded across 2 or 3 machines. When I load one more instrument, I get crackles and my cpu goes a bit crazy. If I quit Cubase and restart the project (with the new instruments too) everything is fine.

I've been doing that this week and have gone past 50 instruments. As long as I restart Cubase every now and then its fine.
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