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Audioswift - Use Your Trackpad As A MIDI Control Surface (MAC)


Active Member

Looks pretty useful for those who has a trackpad :)


  • Four controller modes: Mixer, Trigger, Scale and XY.
  • User configurable preferences settings.
  • Compatible with several DAWs (see requirements).
  • Compatible with MacBooks, Magic Trackpads 1 and 2.
  • Force Touch and Touch Bar support

  • Requires macOS 10.11 or newer.
  • A Macbook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro with built in multitouch trackpad, or any Mac with a Magic Trackpad 1 or 2.
  • Force Touch support requires a compatible trackpad.
  • Touch Bar support requires macOS 10.12.2 or newer.
  • Mixer Mode currently supported in Logic Pro, Pro Tools, and Ableton Live (more DAWs to come).
  • Trigger, Scale and XY Mode works with any DAW just like any MIDI controller.
Very cool - thanks for the heads-up. I have long wanted something simple like this to control XY pads with the Trackpad 2. This is a nice solution in that you can choose absolute or relative modes. And it's very easy on the fly to enable and disable, adapts to my workflow. Looking forward to using it with Thrill, etc...
I got some many questions from Thrill user that need a pad, this app could be a really simple solution for MAC user.

With Thrill, I put AudioSwift in Absolute mode (relative doesn't work here), which is works great. The entire Trackpad surface covers the range of the Thrill matrix. And I can lift my finger to jump locations versus only a continuous move. And since it is sending CC data, it gets recorded. Use the trackpad as normal until ready to record with Thrill, four finger tap to enable AudioSwift, record, then either the esc key or four finger tap upward, to go back to mouse mode. That's it. For $16.80, really a nice solution. And can switch to XY controller for Sample Logic instruments (uses different CC controllers), using the AudioSwift control panel. Really slick.
Hi. I'm Nigel and I'm the developer of AudioSwift. I just wanted to let you know that there is a new version 1.1.0 of AudioSwift that was released a few days ago with two new features:

1. Now you can choose between three options to turn on the AudioSwift console: with a four fingers tap, a five fingers tap, or a user-defined hotkey.
2. The states of the XY buttons in XY Mode are now saved after quitting AudioSwift.

To download, just click "Check for Updates" at the AudioSwift main menu.

I'm currently working on supporting more DAWs in Mixer Mode, and I have taken a lot of suggestions from users to improve the app on future updates. I'll keep you posted.
Hi @Golden Frog Nigel, Thanks for chiming in about your cool little app. I have it at the top my list to get very soon.

One question , Is there a quick/intuitive way to go into Audioswift mode, then back trackpad mode, or is it best to have a additional mouse/trackpad ?
It will depend of the user. I personally prefer to turn on the console with a five fingers tap, and to turn it off with the escape key. However, is much easier to turn it off if you also work with a non-Magic mouse (or trackball) by just moving the mouse; it will automatically turn off the console and you can have control of the mouse pointer again.

Now, moving a Magic Mouse or using another trackpad won't turn off automatically the AudioSwift console. That is because both are recognized by macOS as a touchpad. You would need to hit the escape key first.
Hi Nigel, are you planning on developing a version that works in mixer mode with Cubase?
Hi. Yes. I'm right now finishing testing Reaper before it is released, and after that I'm going with Cubase, then Studio One, then Digital Performer.
Hi. Yes. I'm right now finishing testing Reaper before it is released, and after that I'm going with Cubase, then Studio One, then Digital Performer.
That's great news. You should add an email listserve to your site so that potential users can subscribe and get updates on future development.
I just added an email subscription form at the bottom of my website https://audioswiftapp.com if you're interested on getting updates on AudioSwift development.

If you have purchased the app before and checked the "Get updates and news" box at the checkout, please subscribe again using this form. I couldn't retrieve the subscription list because of a mistake I did. I apologize for that.
A new version of AudioSwift has been released. It now supports Reaper in Mixer Mode.

LIMITED-TIME OFFER: Get 30% discount using coupon GOLDENFROG30 until March 2, 2018.

A new version of AudioSwift has been released. It now supports Reaper in Mixer Mode.

LIMITED-TIME OFFER: Get 30% discount using coupon GOLDENFROG30 until March 2, 2018.

Congrats on the software! It looks like it has a lot of potential. A couple of questions:
  1. Is it possible (or are there plans) to have the trackpad divided into two or three midi fader lanes that operate independently? So I could control CC1 in the left half of the trackpad in absolute mode, and say CC11 in the right half in relative mode? This would be awesome if so! 3 lanes would be even better. From what I can tell in the demo, the "one, two, and three" settings refers to simultaneous touches rather than independent lanes.

  2. Do you have plans for pitchbend with automatic snap-back? That would be awesome and worth the price alone since I could remove one midi controller completely that I use only for the pitchbend wheel.
Thanks in advance for the answers.
Congrats on the software! It looks like it has a lot of potential. A couple of questions:
  1. Is it possible (or are there plans) to have the trackpad divided into two or three midi fader lanes that operate independently? So I could control CC1 in the left half of the trackpad in absolute mode, and say CC11 in the right half in relative mode? This would be awesome if so! 3 lanes would be even better. From what I can tell in the demo, the "one, two, and three" settings refers to simultaneous touches rather than independent lanes.

  2. Do you have plans for pitchbend with automatic snap-back? That would be awesome and worth the price alone since I could remove one midi controller completely that I use only for the pitchbend wheel.
Thanks in advance for the answers.

Thanks. I'm glad you like it. The answer is yes; I have plans for both suggested ideas, the independent lanes and pitchbend to be new features in a future update, plus other ideas that will be also very interesting. Of course, I'll keep everyone informed in this thread.
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