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Studio One input transformer question - making Aftertouch out of sent CC data

Per Boysen

Active Member
Hello everybody,

I want to use S1 and I need to work with a piano keyboard without aftertouch (press). So I need to set up an input transformer to make aftertouch by some of the CC faders (on an Arturia KeyLab Essential 49). I can not find out how to do this, so does anyone know how?
Hi Per,

no input transformer in Studio One yet 🙁 It has to be done on the keyboard or with an external software.
Thanks, Lukas. :) I have found a workaround in setting my TEC breath controller to send aftertouch as I tilt my head to the side. All my templates are set up with "aftertouch-->vibrato" so I sometimes get a bit dizzy by all that head shaking. But it works as a temp solution.
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