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Help please. Cubase automation lanes not showing automation points.

Studio E

Eric Watkins
I'm having to open a project which I hasn't been opened in years, actually several projects, but the one I am currently experiencing trouble with, is the Foley project for an entire feature film. After jumping through many other hoops to get this project running again, and finding a ton of missing files, I now am left with one strange little hiccup I don't remember ever running across.

So I was first just letting the project play, to get my bearings on how I left it. I could immediately tell that certain things were out of balance volume-wise. When I found the track I felt was way too quiet, I opened the automation lane (volume) and I can see that there is indeed automation written, but when I try to highlight any points in order to adjust them, it won't show the points themselves, but I can clearly see that there should be points as the automation line in changing directions several time. Automation is enable for the track and if I click-and-drag my mouse over the automation lines, no points appear.

I know I still have some other issues to sort, like a couple missing plugins, but I'm hoping someone here will have an idea of what is going on here, with this automation.

If you have the latest Cubase you have to change the automation from Ramp back to Step. At least I had to do that. Some plugins don't respond to automation "ramping".

I hope that's all it is.
Oh boy, I feel dumb, haha. The automation line I was seeing is actually from a VCA track. I forgot that if a VCA track has automation, it shows a version of that automation on the tracks affected. Thanks!
Oh boy, I feel dumb, haha. The automation line I was seeing is actually from a VCA track. I forgot that if a VCA track has automation, it shows a version of that automation on the tracks affected. Thanks!
No need to feel dumb. Some of this stuff is hard to figure out.

Glad you got it sorted it out. Thanks for letting me know about the VCA automation.
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