This is a post from another developer. But you are talking also of my
If you encounter any issues with my libraries, please don't hesitate to reach out.
If possible, specify the library you are referring.
So it's quite strange what you're saying. Moreover, in the latest releases, I provide installers for the automatic installation of snapshots, and also for the image for Kontakt 7's browser (which, among other things, is an additional thing I do, considering that most libraries for Kontakt FULL do not have this feature.
In general many system folders, you shouldn't even navigate inside them to use the library.
I can provide clearer explanations for any concerns you may have, and I would be more than happy to do so.
I have never received a message from you; I am very active on the forum and respond to everyone also in case of doubts and problems.
Feel free to contact me; I am confident that I can help you understand that it's all quite straightforward, and you've probably missed some information.
Sorry in advance for the novel:
I don't really want to hijack the OPs thread more than I already have - but it's not about how the instruments look / load on the Kontakt side. Although this is a concern as well (more on that later), it's about folder / file management on the drive side. Anyone with tons of libraries who looks in the user/documents/native instruments/user content/kontakt folder will understand what I'm talking about.
And anyone who looks inside some developers instruments folders on the sample drive side will also know what I'm talking about. Things can be extraordinarily messy, mislabeled, misfiled, misspelled, weird folder names, etc. This is why, when you search on the net, you'll find literally thousands of forum posts asking "Where are my snapshots at", "where are my presets at", "why is my instrument not displaying properly", "why are some samples missing" and so on.
This is the fault of both Native Instruments, for it's absolutely horrendous file management (which forces developers into overly complicated file management), and the developer side having poor internal file management tacked on.
As for Ethera specifically, I would invite you to do a fresh install of a library - say, Ethera EVI 2.0, and look at how the library is presented when it's freshly download / installed by the Conduct app. It's an absolute mess.
Examples of some documents you're greeted with:
_Ethera EVI Manual.pdf
_ETHERA EVI What's New 2.0.rtf
This is a sign of bad things to come...
Go into the instruments folder it gets worse. Some stuff in all caps, some in smallcaps, some with ETHERA EVI identifiers, individual nki's with no identififiers in smallcaps (or the opposite).
Load the Synth 2.0 A patches, you get preset pulldown and snapshots. The preset pulldown is not organized by folder, or in alphabetical order, it's just a giant long scroll list that starts with "bass" and ends with "ancient" at the bottom. Not so bad, can just use the Snapshot pulldown, which is organized by category folders.
However - if you load Synth 2.0 B, you don't get the snapshots. You get an even longer pulldown preset menu from the instruments UI that must be 100+ presets long. Insane.
So I tried to search for these presets to see if there was an install problem. The instrument defaults to a snapshot "Acoustic Guitar Arp 01". Which is odd, because this doesn't seem to be a snapshot or preset for this nki. But tried to search for it was the first one to come up, couldn't find it anywhere on the drive. Until I realized it was mispelled as "Acoutic" with no S for every instance of the word. Then find tons of other misspellings making searching for these files fun times.
Go inside the samples folder - inexplicable sub directories, files labeled "1 - Test.wav", "2 - Test.wav". Folder directories with nothing in them except a folder to another directory, which leads to another directory with sub directories. Version 1.0 and 2.0 hidden inside one another. To get to the EVI 2.0 legato files you have to go:
Ethera EVI 2.0 > Samples > ETHERA EVI True Legato Samples > 2.0 > TRUE LEGATO 2.0 > LEGATO AH > EVI _AH_LEG_RIFACIMENTI_2 - 1-01.wav
(not a joke - that's the path and file name.)
However, if you go into another sub folder, you get file names like "Uh_ALT_Sustaint_A - 4". I.E. There's no consistency to the naming anywhere in the library, nor the directory structure. It's all over the map, with TONS of misspellings or complete mislabeling.
Why does this matter? 1) Bugs 2) Updates 3) Archiving 4) These habits carry over to how presets & snapshots, and instruments & multis are organized & named, which directly affects even novice users. It's all connected. It all leads to the same place "why can't I find my presets!".
This wouldn't even be so much of an issue EXCEPT that Native Instruments has so many bad habits. For example, forcing Snapshot files to mirror .nki file names, which creates an absolute catastrophic mess in the snapshots folder. This is solved mostly with authorized libraries (they auto install everything into the right place, and under instruments names. Easy.
However - for non-authorized libraries, depending on the developers labelling, they ALL get filed into the same root folder. I have over 250 snapshot folders....probably 150 of them have no identifier. I have no idea what those snapshots belong to ("31 Hybrid Vocals"), ", meaning I can only know if certain ones are installed correctly by opening each .nki file and seeing if the snapshots exist / link. And you can't put those folders inside a custom folder (usually) or Kontakt will completely implode. Explained here:
Hi all, Although I've been a 5 years Kontakt user, I still can't figure out how to organize snapshot folders. Or more accurately, I didn't pay much attention to the issue and used it as it is. I want to organize them by their developers' names then by products' names, so for example all the...
(I'm not saying anything new here - these problems are well understood, going back 20 years.)
Silence + Other Sounds have actually done a good job of this - despite also not being registered libraries - their snapshots are clearly identified at the root folder, with snapshot categories in properly categorized subfolders. Well some. It's not consistent. I had to manually rename all their Maleventum library's .nki & snapshots so it had some semblance of logic. (And remove all the use of ALLCAPS, which seems to something devs love for some reason. ALLCAPS leads to misspelling and mislabeling, and makes it a nightmare for doing collaborative work. It's one of the first thing you learn in coding school.)
Some of the Ethera are identified at the root folder, some are not, it's completely inconsistent.
Now, from experience, most of the community doesn't care about this stuff usually, even if it negatively affects the products they buy. It's one of the weird things about this industry. Developers get away with consistently bad habits...
But when you're running 3 mirrored systems, including a mobile rig, and need everything running smooth as silk, this kinda stuff becomes a nightmare to deal with. It's why I generally reorganize everything myself then batch resave. I go as far as to rename & reorganize both the NKI files and the snapshot files, as well as organize the sample directories so it's clean af. But this is something that should be done on the developer end. I can't even imagine the nightmare it becomes trying to keep track of, say, multiple evolutions of the same product, where you're dealing with 1.0, 2.0 A, 2.0 B type folder structures, where vocals & instrument samples are all mixed together and not consistently labeled, files are mispelled, in random locations, file paths exceed 100 characters regularly, etc. It doesn't surprise me why, for example, some instruments in the SAME library have entirely different nki / nkm naming (don't get me started on multis), snapshot & preset logic. I don't even think that's intentional sometimes - I think it's just plain disorganization.
If you want to see a developer who understand organization at an almost Rain Man level, check 8Dio. Every single library is clean af - and consistent in folder structure and naming schemes going back 10+ years. Every library, 4 folders:
Each subdirectory crystal clear. Multiple versions are clearly separated by folder and instrument identifiers. Samples and instruments are so well organized I can, in about 5 minutes, create slimmed down versions of their 7+ mic position libraries to 2 mic positions and not even worry whether I deleted something I shouldn't have. This means I take all of their libraries on the road, as I have less drive space.
I can't do this with Ethera libraries - well I have after days of work - because when I try to slim down some libraries (eg. removing the "instruments" from some, or the "vocals" from another) I immediately start destroying patches that have unexpected dependencies. I have created slimmed down versions (eg. a vocal only version of EVI 2.0, without any of the instruments), but it took forever, when it should have taken 5 minutes. (I don't expect developers to organize things on my behalf, it's just an example of how organization has unintended benefits.)
If writing this convinces even one developer to take this stuff more seriously (even making their lives easier on the developer end) I've done a good job here. :D Honestly, your life will become 1000x easier with beautifully organized projects. :D
Also - Pulse app with not help with this. Riffendium is through's also a mess. (Another developer that loves no-space ALLCAPS for everything.) It's not the downloader - it's the product's organization at the developer end.