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7 Upgrades UVI Should Include in Falcon 3.0

I asked UVI to consider adding support for voice-based parameters, so that it's possible to implement analog emulation technologies such as Voice Component Modeling, which sounds amazing on Hydrasynth and many other hardware synths.

I'm not holding my breath, but one never knows.
Changing the monolithic file format is high on my list. For even the smallest updates, one must re-download all the samples, as well as, the minor fix. For the larger libraries, this is insane. I’ve asked UVI many times, to correct this limitation. So far, no action on their part.
Amen to that. But I guess it's for piracy protection. I might be wrong.
Changing the monolithic file format is high on my list. For even the smallest updates, one must re-download all the samples, as well as, the minor fix. For the larger libraries, this is insane. I’ve asked UVI many times, to correct this limitation. So far, no action on their part.
I doubt that UVI is counting votes on this issue, but I'd like to cast my vote anyway -- an emphatic yes! to fixing this problem.

In my days as a novice programmer, back when download bandwidth wasn't as cheap as it is today, there were software development tools that could create and install patch files -- essentially, just the changes between an old version and a new version. The user didn't need to redownload the whole thing just to change 50 bytes of code. I think UVI could, at reasonable cost, resurrect one of these tools and integrate it into UVI Portal. They would get to keep their encryption and copy protection.
I asked UVI to consider adding support for voice-based parameters, so that it's possible to implement analog emulation technologies such as Voice Component Modeling, which sounds amazing on Hydrasynth and many other hardware synths.

I'm not holding my breath, but one never knows.
I have a question, does your UVI Portal experience include needing to attempt a re-install of PACE with every update? I can't figure out if there's something broken on my machine?

I would think UVI could detect that when I open up UVI Portal, and not keep running those unnecessary installations/dialogs/rollbacks that potentially have pop ups hidden behind other GUI windows - I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt but I think for me this has been true for years.

Can you tell me if you have this re-install PACE issue as well?
I have a question, does your UVI Portal experience include needing to attempt a re-install of PACE with every update? I can't figure out if there's something broken on my machine?

I would think UVI could detect that when I open up UVI Portal, and not keep running those unnecessary installations/dialogs/rollbacks that potentially have pop ups hidden behind other GUI windows - I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt but I think for me this has been true for years.

Can you tell me if you have this re-install PACE issue as well?
I don't remember what happens when updating UVI Portal specifically, so my answer reflects my experience with a variety of brand manager products (including UVI's) that run iLok installers. I think they used to do as @jesussaddle describes, and reinstall iLok every time. Now it seems fairly clear to me that they start up and then quit when they discover that the current iLok installation is more up-to-date than they are themselves. But they generally don't announce that discovery to the hapless user, who is left to wonder whether they are replacing a more recent version of iLok with an older one.
I asked UVI to consider adding support for voice-based parameters, so that it's possible to implement analog emulation technologies such as Voice Component Modeling, which sounds amazing on Hydrasynth and many other hardware synths.

I'm not holding my breath, but one never knows.
This is already kinda sorta possible in a number of ways. Use a keytrack modulator with a mapper table that adds fixed offsets to things, mix in a bit of random modulator, use Drunk at a slow rate to emulate analog instability. And then there's also Script Event Modulator, which allows sending any sort of offsets you want from a Lua script.
I have a question, does your UVI Portal experience include needing to attempt a re-install of PACE with every update? I can't figure out if there's something broken on my machine?

I would think UVI could detect that when I open up UVI Portal, and not keep running those unnecessary installations/dialogs/rollbacks that potentially have pop ups hidden behind other GUI windows - I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt but I think for me this has been true for years.

Can you tell me if you have this re-install PACE issue as well?

I do. Every UVI plug-in (like the FX, not the Soundware) installs PACE every single time there is an update.
Doesn't it depend in Kontakt on where the 'preset' is? I can't remember but I thought midi cc external control was sticky if the preset was a Kontakt snapshot?
I don't remember what happens when updating UVI Portal specifically, so my answer reflects my experience with a variety of brand manager products (including UVI's) that run iLok installers. I think they used to do as @jesussaddle describes, and reinstall iLok every time. Now it seems fairly clear to me that they start up and then quit when they discover that the current iLok installation is more up-to-date than they are themselves. But they generally don't announce that discovery to the hapless user, who is left to wonder whether they are replacing a more recent version of iLok with an older one.
Yes, that's what I've noticed as well, that is, I think some other companies have figured out how to quit the iLok stuff without hassling a user. I'm not sure if anyone has actually done the check and avoided a separate iLok installer process entirely - but the ideal situation from a user perspective should be to see the info bar under a progress bar, such as we see when installing some DAWs, that tells us what stage of installation the installer is on. (So check if PACE is installed would be a stage). Not that I know what's best in the mind of the programmer or analyst who's haplessly dealing with the iLok people :D

(My favorite experience with iLok was when I tried using a demo product purchased by a 3rd party supplier, and then the full version was available from the developer. Now I am forever given crashes or other problems due to that "DEMO EXPIRED" thing (unintentional on my part) that ilok says can't be removed from my account because of "policy of maintaining history". )
... Now I am forever given crashes or other problems due to that "DEMO EXPIRED" thing (unintentional on my part) that ilok says can't be removed from my account because of "policy of maintaining history".
I have both a demo license and a full license for a few products, and I have never experienced this problem. Just move the demo license back from your dongle/PC/iLok cloud (as the case may be) and put the full license where the product can see it.
Anyone know of any online courses for a beginner to learn Falcon 3?
I have found them for Falcon 1 and 2 but not 3 and I am very much a beginner to using synthesizers

Thank you
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