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GNWeird Bonus Loops


New Member
Kreativ Sounds is happy to released http://www.kreativsounds.com/downloads_bonus.php (GNWeird Loops), the second bonus product freely available for all our previous and future customers.


KSb2 GNWeird - Noize loops that do NOT fit!
GNWeird stands for GLITCH, NOIZE and WEIRD and that's exactly what this bonus contains: 8 bit and atari copycats, weird sounds, noisy drums, retro crazy bits and other 'carefully' destroyed loops.

This loops pack feature:
- 50 original and royalty-free loops;
- each loop is a signature sound on its own, you'll not find processed variations of the same loops;
- all loops are 44KHz/16bit RX2 and ACIDized WAV, these formats are compatible with all audio applications.

More details and demo loops: http://www.kreativsounds.com/downloads_bonus.php

Tip: Buy just http://www.kreativsounds.com/loops_packs_series.php (one of our loops packs) for only 10 USD and reveice http://www.kreativsounds.com/downloads_bonus.php (two bonus products) for free!
I don't want to be a bummer, but your aiff or wav files sound pretty dated and not very 'glitchy' at all. Have you listened to this kind of music?. Check out Frank Bretschneider's two mp3 clips on this page: http://www.12k.com/1028against.mp3 and http://www.12k.com/1028go.mp3
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