Midi Magician
Inspired by a post by HZ I decided to have a crack at a simple, slow moving, expressive solo cello. So I dusted off my cello and prepared for the worst. I wasn't extremely careful because I wasn't expecting it to work - but it worked out not too bad for a quick job! I've also kept it dry so I suggest you soak it in your favourite reverb.
This is my first sampling attempt and I really enjoyed making this. I'm finding playing chords with the sustains patch quite a bit of fun too.
Here's the download link for anybody who would like to play around with me :lol:
If somebody manages to use it in anyway at all, I would love to hear it! Also if you have any programming knowledge and are bored, feel free to fiddle to make it more useable and share. I'd like to think of this little project as an 'open source' solo cello
>>>Download Here!<<< - Massive Thanks to VST Buzz for hosting the download.
Huge thanks also to Lukas for his work, and others that helped refine this instrument! (Dropbox Mirror (Backup))
Click here to read more about what's new in v1.6!
Older v1.5 (Backup Mirror - v1.5 dropbox mirror)
Here's a bit of Bach with a more romantic interpretation - plus a little improv craziness at the end
- Most of this is done using the current 2 released layers. Towards the end you can hear some of the molto vib/marcato ff layer - this is layer currently unreleased.
[flash width=450 height=110 loop=false][/flash]
No-flashers - ( ... usBach.mp3)
[flash width=450 height=110 loop=false][/flash]
High Quality - ( ... t/download)
*Expressive sustains with progressive vibrato
*More Immediate Sustains by playing velocities >90 - these are slightly louder in dynamic - Note that these are still really designed for slow expressive passages however.
*Simulated legato - using SIPS scripts. Easily customizeable
What does it look like?
I took a quick snap of my baby, just in case anyone wants to visualise her while they play her. LOL! No, but really, you can see it's had a somewhat tough life. (BlakusCello Hi Res)
I have implemented a "Donate" button at the bottom right sidebar on (my website) for those that have very kindly expressed their interest to support my work on pocketBlakus. I definitely don't expect or ask of this, but am humbled by your insistence - thank you!
This is my first sampling attempt and I really enjoyed making this. I'm finding playing chords with the sustains patch quite a bit of fun too.
Here's the download link for anybody who would like to play around with me :lol:
If somebody manages to use it in anyway at all, I would love to hear it! Also if you have any programming knowledge and are bored, feel free to fiddle to make it more useable and share. I'd like to think of this little project as an 'open source' solo cello

>>>Download Here!<<< - Massive Thanks to VST Buzz for hosting the download.
Huge thanks also to Lukas for his work, and others that helped refine this instrument! (Dropbox Mirror (Backup))
Click here to read more about what's new in v1.6!

Older v1.5 (Backup Mirror - v1.5 dropbox mirror)
Here's a bit of Bach with a more romantic interpretation - plus a little improv craziness at the end

[flash width=450 height=110 loop=false][/flash]
No-flashers - ( ... usBach.mp3)
[flash width=450 height=110 loop=false][/flash]
High Quality - ( ... t/download)
*Expressive sustains with progressive vibrato
*More Immediate Sustains by playing velocities >90 - these are slightly louder in dynamic - Note that these are still really designed for slow expressive passages however.
*Simulated legato - using SIPS scripts. Easily customizeable
What does it look like?
I took a quick snap of my baby, just in case anyone wants to visualise her while they play her. LOL! No, but really, you can see it's had a somewhat tough life. (BlakusCello Hi Res)

I have implemented a "Donate" button at the bottom right sidebar on (my website) for those that have very kindly expressed their interest to support my work on pocketBlakus. I definitely don't expect or ask of this, but am humbled by your insistence - thank you!