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Quanta 2 / Tomofone / Portal


New Member
Portal and Quanta 2 are on sale right now for 50% off... and I've already pretty much decided to get Portal. However, Tomofone is not on sale and so I'm wondering for people's opinions on it since I was so impressed I may buy it for full price. Also... not sure if Quanta 2 is all that relevant anymore if I have both Tomofone and Portal.

Any thoughts?
Interested in Portal as well. A few years ago I read it is quite a cpu hog. Did they improve the performance with any updates since than? Is this still an issue today? I'm running Logic in a 6 core Intel i7 Mac Mini with 64 gigs of ram. I generally don't have any issues running large projects with tons of plugs, but just wanted to see if there's real issues with it.

Quite different beasts the three. Portal is a granular FX, Tomofon uses wavetables, Quanta 2 is a granular synth. I don't quite see how these would cancel each other out. Personally of the three I would pick Quanta, but your needs may be different.
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