
  1. Land of Missing Parts

    POLL: How Do You Handle Vibrato Control (For libraries with a Separate Slider to Crossfade Vibrato?

    I'm just curious to know how people are tackling the issue of controlling vibrato (assuming you use libraries that have control over it). To me, it seems like the conundrum is either you have to own hardware with multiple faders, plus have the coordination to work both faders while playing in...
  2. P

    Orchestral Tools Vibrato Controls

    Hello, I'm using OT Fist Chairs and Special Bows. All I can find online is that "if a library has vibrato, use CC...", but I am having trouble finding if a library has vibrato in the first place. On testing the CC control, it seems these libraries don't have it, but I find that surprising...
  3. H

    Berlin Woodwinds (Sine) - how to add vibrato?

    Can't you add vibrato to the instruments in BWW Sine? In BWW Kontakt you can choose between Without, Romantic and Progressive vibrato. But I can't find any such option in BWW Sine.
  4. MaroonedMind

    Any way to add custom vibrato to a kontakt vsti?

    I am not talking about a scripted LFO, but instead a way to create midi values so that you can perform vibrato with a mod wheel, breathcontroller or midiring. Just like samplemodeling or audiomodeling instruments. As an exsample I want to do this with the Cremona Quartet which has the sustains...
  5. ImJim

    Achieving THAT Legato sound

    Hey everyone, In my quest for niche 40s/50s/60s super-romantic strings, I've been looking for a really particular sound / playing style that pretty much doesn't exist in any library. It's basically super expressive playing, rich, fingered, almost chaotic legato transitions, and passionate...
  6. V

    Can I use a Roli Lightpad Block M for vibrato control?

    Hey there, As a complete beginner, I was planning to buy a portable MIDI keyboard/controller for sketching ideas and I was completely beguiled by what Roli tech can do. Currently I am torn between getting a Roli seaboard/lightpad combo or a lightpad with a regular midi keyboard. Also, I am kind...
  7. Boltrane

    Is CC#2 Breath Control equal to CC#21 Vibrato?

    I'm seeing vibrato mapped by some people as CC#2 "Breath Control." But others, for example Spitfire Audio's MIDI CC Chart, use CC#21 for vibrato. What's up? Why the discrepancy? For reference, I've attached the Spitfire CC Chart.
  8. Reznov981

    BBCSO String Vibrato

    Hello my favourite composing friends! So I've been using BBCSO Pro and I've noticed that the vibrato control on any string instrument (ensemble or solo) seems to function where 0-50% = no vibrato and 51-100% is a decent amount. There's no fading between or varying intensities or anything like...
  9. S

    Help Automating Cinematic Studio Strings Solo vibrato on/off?

    I have Cinematic Studio Strings Solo in Kontakt 6 and Live 10. I am trying to automate Vib Cntrl (host automation #001) but it does not show up in the list of automatable parameters in Live. There is no knob for Vib Cntrl in the GUI of Cinematic Solo Strings. If I drag an empty host automation...
  10. SamMarksMusic

    CSS / CSSS (Cinematic Studios) Vibrato Control

    G'day all! Finally picked up both CSS (Cinematic Studio Strings) and CSSS (Cinematic Studio Solo Strings) and getting stuck into them! I'm wondering what your individual approaches to the vibrato control are for each section? Do you link it to the mod wheel? Do you go ride the Vibrato Control...
  11. ImJim

    BIG issue with Vibrato effect on Legato Instruments

    Hey everyone, I'm encountering a very frustrating issue with Kontakt. I'm trying to emulate a subtle vibrato effect on a few Cinebrass Legato horns that don't have any sampled vib. So here's what I do: I check "edit all groups", create two LFOs (for tune and volume), set the frequency and...
  12. jrrshop

    33% off all Martinic keyboards, synths, and effects

    33% off all Martinic: Martinic AX73 Virtual Akai AX-73 $79.73 Martinic Elka Panther Classic Italian Combo Organ $79.73 Martinic Lem Echo Music Tape Delay $26.13 Martinic Retro Pack: Elka Panther + Kee Bass + Lem Echo Music + Scanner Vibrato $93.13 Martinic...
  13. H

    Spitfire Symphonic Strings vibrato

  14. jrrshop

    Up to 80% off all PSP Hammond effects, now $19.99 each

    Up to 80% off all PSP Hammond plugins: L'otary2 rotary speaker, Nexcellence necklace spring reverb, and B-Scanner Vibrator/Chorus. Now $19.99 each: PSP L'otary2 Rotary Speaker $99.00 $19.99 PSP Nexcellence Spring Reverb $99.00 $19.99...
  15. Doorak94

    Enhance your Vibrato in your Mockups

    Hi, I hope everyone is doing well! So as much as I enjoy scoring with Spitfire strings (specifically BBCSO), I feel that the vibrato is quite tame - especially as somebody who is a fan of theatrical, operatic string writing. In this video, I show you a few different ways that you can take your...
  16. Fredeke

    LFO from different groups slightly out of phase [SOLVED via KSP]

    Hi again. I set up an LFO modulating the pitch in the source module of every group (using Edit All Groups) in order to create a synth-like vibrato effect. Is that the right way to do it ? Because I ran into the following issue: When several groups are playing at once, their LFOs are very...
  17. Jean Phi

    Spitfire audio Studio Strings , how is the vibrato ?

    I can't find the info or hear demo demonstrating the vibrato of this lib in depth ... Is it just a simple cross fade between vib and non vib at each dynamic layers ? Does the cross fade sound natural in legato patches ? The vib expression in the virtuoso perf patch of solo lib kills , but I...
  18. J

    What's this playing technique?

    Hello everyone, The string player here (violin assumed, but please correct me), plays a sustained note and after about 5-6 secs switches to some what sounds like to me some sort of strong vibrato harmonic-like tone. It's happens throughout the piece. What is the player doing here? I've heard...
  19. dman007

    Vibrato VST

    Hi Can anyone recommend a good vibrato VST for use with electric guitar VSTis? Thanks in advance
  20. paularthur

    OP: Which String library has the most realistic // usable vibrato?

    In your opinion; which String library has the most realistic sounding vibrato and timbre? and or easiest to automate?
  21. reids

    Controlling Vibrato Manually in Woodwinds Libraries

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for a deep sampled woodwinds library (orchestral and solo, but not jazzy) with features that allow 'full' control over the vibrato. I see that some libraries have a baked in vibrato so you can choose between different vibrato styles or non-vibrato. However, I want to...
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