OH, I thought you had it at hand. It's not absolutely necessary, I wouldn't want to waste your time if it's not a simple search on connected drives.
You've done a good job of typing down the presets in the track headers, but I don't have LASS for example, and some others. So those I would have to guess, but there are some that I do have the products for, but I can't find. For example, Zebra 2 Dark Bass ARP, I can't find that one in either Zebra HZ or Zebra 2.
Then there's "Omni Hammering the String Washer + Deus Ex HR". In Omnisphere, I can find the Hammering one, but I type Deus and nothing comes up. Same for "Fat Strings". Same for "Daft Punk". Did you create those yourself and saved them as presets?
K2500R 45 Prophet Sync and K2500R 15 Big PWM, I have no idea what they are. Same for 80's Extreme Percussive Bass.
So I thought maybe loading the project could tell me at l least what products those belong to, and in the case of the Omnisphere ones, maybe get the actual sound that you intended. It seems to me that the sound of just "Hammering the String Washer" is not the same as what I hear in your final mixdown.
So just that, but again, it's just another learning project, so don't waste any time on it.